TreatmentTherapy | Laryngitis in children


Laryngeal inflammation should be treated in any case, especially in small children, as otherwise there is a risk that the inflammation will spread or turn into a chronic inflammation. The most important measure in acute laryngitis is to take strict care of the voice to prevent damage to the vocal chords. Children should only say the most important things at normal volume and under no circumstances shout or whisper.Since laryngitis usually occurs in connection with a viral or bacterial infection, the cold must also be treated.

With babies and toddlers many medicines may not be used yet, therefore it is best to consult a family doctor or pediatrician. The doctor can then prescribe certain anti-inflammatory drugs that will improve the symptoms. If the child’s breathing is severely affected by the laryngitis, the doctor will also prescribe decongestant medication to make breathing easier.

Cool and humid air leads to an improvement of the symptoms. Parents can therefore additionally ensure that the sick children sleep in cool temperatures and that the air in the room is not too dry. Children who suffer from very severe breathing difficulties due to the inflammation should be taken to the nearest hospital immediately, otherwise there is a risk that the child will suffocate.

In the hospital the child is monitored and receives oxygen and inhalation therapy until the swelling subsides. To treat laryngitis, anti-inflammatory and expectorant drugs are prescribed. In some cases, bacteria trigger the inflammation, then antibiotics can be used as medication.

However, antibiotic therapy is not effective for a viral infection. In severe cases of pseudocroup, cortisone-like drugs (glucocorticoids) can be administered. Children suffering from acute, severe respiratory distress receive adrenaline, which dilates the airways and makes breathing easier.

Acute laryngitis in children must be treated by a doctor to prevent the inflammation from spreading and becoming chronic. However, there are some old household remedies that are used in addition and can help against laryngitis. The most important thing to do with laryngitis is to take care of the voice to avoid permanent damage to the voice.

Therefore, it is best for the sick children not to talk at all and not to whisper, as whispering is even more strenuous for the inflamed vocal chords. The best home remedy for treating laryngitis is to give the child sufficient fluids, preferably warm tea. Drinking plenty of fluids will help to loosen the mucus in the airways and keep the inflamed mucous membrane moist.

This accelerates the healing process. In addition, one can make mixtures of salt water or apple vinegar and let the children gargle with it. Salt and apple vinegar fight germs and thus promote the healing of the inflamed regions.

It is important that the child does not swallow large quantities of salt water, as this would lead to vomiting. A warm honey milk also helps against the strong cough. The milk can be given to the child before going to bed and helps to relieve the coughing.

Honey also has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Older children can also be given a piece of garlic or onion to chew slowly and then swallow. The substances contained have an anti-inflammatory effect and soothe irritated mucous membranes.

In case of an acute coughing attack and breathing problems, the child should first be calmed down and then the window should be opened. Cool and humid air has a decongestant effect and thus improves breathing problems. A humidifier can also be installed in the child’s room to help reduce coughing fits at night.