Alcohol and Adolescents

Why teenagers drink too much Especially during puberty, with its many turbulences and uncertainties, alcohol seems particularly attractive. One’s own self-image is shaken by the physical and psychological transformation, and the awakening sexuality sends emotions into a tailspin. Young people have to find their role in their circle of friends, break away from the parental … Alcohol and Adolescents

COVID-19 vaccinations for children and adolescents

Coronavirus vaccination for children between six months and four years of age. The experts of the Standing Commission on Vaccination (STIKO) recommend vaccinating young children (6 months to 4 years) at increased risk of severe covid 19. The risk exists especially if the children are chronically ill and have a weak immune system. Exactly how … COVID-19 vaccinations for children and adolescents

Children’s Hearing Loss Causes

About one in 1,000 children in Germany is born with severe hearing loss, and others have moderate or mild hearing loss. One possible consequence is that these children learn to speak only to a limited extent or not at all, which affects their overall development. Therefore, a hearing impairment must be detected as early as … Children’s Hearing Loss Causes

Puberty: Between Freedom and Consequence

Puberty is a time that most parents experience with horror and adolescents with uncertainty. During this phase, both sides must learn to confront conflict and balance boundaries with freedom. Parents must learn to simultaneously let go and continue to provide support for their children. Conflicts are necessary But unlike how most feel, puberty is more … Puberty: Between Freedom and Consequence

Headache in Adolescents

One in two girls and one in four boys between the ages of 12 and 15 reported suffering from repeated headaches in a representative study in Western Pomerania. The quality of life of the affected teenagers is impaired. Experts are concerned that only one in four teenagers with recurring headaches consults a doctor, but 60 … Headache in Adolescents

Myopia in children

Introduction In many cases hereditary, myopia can also become apparent in childhood. Treatment methods are usually successful if therapy is started early and depend on the age and degree of childhood myopia. What does myopia in children mean? Nearsightedness is the most common type of ametropia in ophthalmology and can affect adults and children alike, … Myopia in children

Strength training in youth

Introduction Strength training in adolescence is an often discussed topic with many concerns. Known concerns are that strength training is dangerous and damaging to the child’s development. Young people are not yet able to do many exercises, and many children do not want to do strength training at all. From the scientific side, there were … Strength training in youth

Special features | Strength training in youth

Special features In adolescence, different contents should be trained to support a good development of the body. In addition to bounce training, the strengthening of the holding muscles should be the main focus. The adolescent learns to handle weights and develops a feeling for different loads. The cardiovascular system benefits considerably from strength training in … Special features | Strength training in youth

Holiday Heart Syndrome

Definition The term Holiday-Heart Syndrome refers to the cardiac arrhythmia caused by alcohol abuse. Holiday-Heart Syndrome thus belongs to the category of rhythm disturbances caused by extracardiac factors. Amongst other things, it leads to a paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in addition to several other rhythm disturbances. This is a “seizure-like” occurrence of a pathologically increased atrial … Holiday Heart Syndrome

Diagnosis of Holiday-Heart Syndrome | Holiday Heart Syndrome

Diagnosis of Holiday-Heart Syndrome In addition to anamnesis, clinical and instrumental diagnostics can be considered. In this context, it is important for the physician to determine the possible trigger factors: Alcohol consumption during excessive partying combined with cardiac symptoms, as described above. In the course of apparative diagnostics, the attending physician uses the ECG. Irregular … Diagnosis of Holiday-Heart Syndrome | Holiday Heart Syndrome