Vaccinations for adults

Introduction Vaccinations are now part of everyday medical life and have led to the fact that diseases such as smallpox, poliomyelitis or mumps are known to most people of younger generations in the western world only from stories or books, but hardly ever occur. In general, basic immunization should be completed in childhood. However, some … Vaccinations for adults

How long do the side effects last after a vaccination? | Vaccinations for adults

How long do the side effects last after a vaccination? How long the side effects of a vaccination last depends on many factors. Among other things, this depends on the vaccine. For example, flu vaccinations have a slightly longer duration of side effects than a TBE vaccination. Furthermore, the duration also depends strongly on the … How long do the side effects last after a vaccination? | Vaccinations for adults

Listing of different vaccinations | Vaccinations for adults

Listing of different vaccinations The tetanus vaccination is carried out with a dead vaccine, so that the body itself does not have to produce antibodies, but is injected directly. Thus, antibodies against the tetanus toxin can be administered without major side effects during vaccination. However, this leads to the degradation of the antibodies after some … Listing of different vaccinations | Vaccinations for adults

Summary | Vaccinations for adults

Summary It is generally recommended that all adults have their tetanus and diphtheria vaccination refreshed every 10 years. If there is no sufficient vaccination protection against whooping cough or polio, it is possible to administer these vaccinations as a 3-fold or 4-fold combination vaccine. In addition, measles vaccination is recommended for all adults born after … Summary | Vaccinations for adults