Alcohol in adolescence | Consequences of alcohol

Alcohol in adolescence The consequences of alcohol should not be underestimated, especially in adolescence. This is due to the fact that the body and especially the brain are still developing in adolescence and can be influenced more easily by external factors. Long-term behaviour patterns are also shaped in adolescence. After alcohol consumption, the acute effects … Alcohol in adolescence | Consequences of alcohol

Alcohol in combination with drugs | Consequences of alcohol

Alcohol in combination with drugs The specific consequences of alcohol and drugs together are of course always dependent on the drug consumed. The amount consumed also plays a significant role in the expected consequences. However, if consumed in large quantities or over a long period of time, the consequences of alcohol and drugs are extremely … Alcohol in combination with drugs | Consequences of alcohol

Consequences of alcohol

Alcohol abuse, alcohol addictionThe consumption of alcohol is omnipresent in every society. Excessive consumption of alcohol (alcohol abuse) can lead to alcohol dependency. Both long-term alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction can lead to various neurological diseases, which will be listed here. Alcohol abuse is the use of alcohol that can lead to physical and psychological … Consequences of alcohol

Diseases of the nervous system | Consequences of alcohol

Diseases of the nervous system Delirium tremens occurs in acute withdrawal after prolonged heavy alcohol intake. Patients usually report trembling of their hands (relieved by alcohol intake), increased sweating, irritability, restless sleep and sometimes sensory delusions (hallucinations) that have been present for some time. These symptoms are called predelir. In addition, morning cramps (withdrawal cramps) … Diseases of the nervous system | Consequences of alcohol

Consequences of drugs

Introduction Many people understand drugs to be only the illegal substances and do not put alcohol and nicotine in the same category. That is why this article only deals with illegal drugs. However, legal substances are consumed on a large scale and with great consequences in the population. The most popular illegal drugs are cannabis, … Consequences of drugs

Drug use during pregnancy | Consequences of drugs

Drug use during pregnancy During pregnancy, all drugs, whether legal or illegal, should be avoided. The child’s natural development must be guaranteed without additional harmful substances hindering its growth. It could not be clarified so far perfectly, which are the actual consequences of Cannabis consumption in the pregnancy. This is also due to the small … Drug use during pregnancy | Consequences of drugs

Consequences of drugs and alcohol | Consequences of drugs

Consequences of drugs and alcohol The combination of cannabis and alcohol is probably the most widespread form of mixed use. The individual effects of the two substances are often intensified when consumed in parallel. There is then a strong decrease in physical performance, an extreme reduction in the ability to react and a decrease in … Consequences of drugs and alcohol | Consequences of drugs