Zieve Syndrome

In Zieve syndrome (thesaurus synonyms: Acute alcoholic hepatitis; Acute alcoholic liver failure; Alcoholic cirrhosis; Alcoholic liver failure; Alcoholic steatosis hepatis; Alcoholic fatty liver degeneration; Alcoholic fatty liver; Alcoholic fatty liver cirrhosis; Alcoholic hepatitis; Alcoholic hepatopathy; Alcoholic Laënnec liver cirrhosis; Alcoholic liver fibrosis; Alcoholic liver disease; Alcoholic hepatic sclerosis; Alcoholic liver cirrhosis; Alcoholic liver cirrhosis with esophageal varices; Alcoholic liver cirrhosis with esophageal variceal hemorrhage; Alcoholic liver damage; Alcoholic hepatic coma; Alcoholic liver failure; Alcoholic cirrhosis; Alcohol toxic fatty liver; Alcohol toxic hepatitis; Alcohol toxic hepatomegaly; Alcohol toxic hepatopathy; Alcohol toxic liver disease; Alcohol toxic liver injury; Alcohol toxic liver sclerosis; Alcohol toxic liver cirrhosis; Alcohol toxic liver parenchymal damage; Alcohol toxic liver damage; Alcohol toxic liver coma; Alcohol toxic liver failure; Alcohol toxic steatosis hepatis; Ethyl toxic cirrhosis hepatis; Ethyl toxic liver failure; Chronic alcoholic hepatitis; Chronic alcoholic liver failure; Laënnec cirrhosis; Macronodular alcoholic cirrhosis; Micronodular alcoholic cirrhosis; Laënnec disease; Nutritive alcoholic cirrhosis; Portal alcoholic cirrhosis; Postnecrotic alcoholic cirrhosis; Subacute alcoholic liver failure; ICD-10 K70) it is a triad of:

Optionally, the syndrome may also be combined with cirrhosis (irreversible damage to the liver and a pronounced remodeling of liver tissue) and / or pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).

In most cases, the syndrome is a result of excessive alcohol consumption.

Zieve syndrome is a rare condition.

Sex ratio: Men are more likely to develop Zieve’s syndrome than women.

Course and prognosis: Zieve syndrome is acute and severe. With alcohol abstinence, it is possible that the disease will resolve.The disease can be lethal (fatal).