Nerve Conduction: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Nerve conduction is the ability of nerve fibers to transmit bioelectrical impulses at a specific rate to both directions of conduction. Conduction occurs via action potentials in salvatory excitatory conduction. In diseases such as polyneuropathy, nerve conduction is impaired. What is nerve conduction? Nerve conductance is the ability of nerve fibers to transmit bioelectrical impulses … Nerve Conduction: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Nerve Conduction Velocity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Nerve conduction velocity indicates the speed at which electrical stimuli are transmitted along a nerve fiber. By measuring nerve conduction velocity, nerve function can be checked and diseases affecting the nervous system can be diagnosed. The speed of transmission of electrical impulses is calculated by the distance between two points and the time required. What … Nerve Conduction Velocity: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Synthesis: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

In synthesis, the human organism itself produces vital substances. Important syntheses are, for example, protein synthesis and cholesterol synthesis. Disrupted synthesis pathways have far-reaching consequences and can occur in the context of various deficiency symptoms, organ damage, and diseases. What is synthesis? In medicine, the term synthesis refers to biochemical processes in the cells of … Synthesis: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Morphogenesis: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Morphogenesis is the totality of the developments of organs, organisms, or individual cell organelles. In humans, embryogenesis and fetogenesis are important aspects of morphogenesis. What is morphogenesis? Morphogenesis is the process by which living structures acquire their shape. In humans, morphogenesis is divided into embryogenesis and fetogenesis. In the context of morphogenesis, living structures acquire … Morphogenesis: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Abnormal Sensations (Paresthesias): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Malaesthesias (paresthesias) are numbness, tingling, and other sensations that have physical or psychological causes. They are usually triggered by nerve disorders and are easily treatable, depending on their severity. What are sensations of discomfort? Malesthesias, or paresthesias, are unusual sensory perceptions such as tingling, burning, or stinging. They feel like pinpricks and are usually triggered … Abnormal Sensations (Paresthesias): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Saltatory Excitation Conduction: Function, Role & Diseases

Saltatory excitation conduction ensures sufficiently fast conduction velocity of neural pathways for vertebrates. Action potentials jump from one unisolated cord ring to the next on isolated axons. In demyelinating diseases, the insulating myelin is degraded, disrupting excitation conduction. What is saltatory excitation conduction? Saltatory excitation conduction ensures sufficiently fast conduction velocity of neural pathways for … Saltatory Excitation Conduction: Function, Role & Diseases

Korsakow Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

By Korsakow syndrome, physicians mean a form of memory impairment (amnesia), which is one of the mental disorders. The patient has great difficulty remembering newly experienced or learned things. Often, Korsakow syndrome occurs as a result of many years of alcohol abuse. What is Korsakow syndrome? Korsakow syndrome, alternatively called Korsakow’s disease or amnesic psychosyndrome, … Korsakow Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment