Asphyxia Neonatorum

Asphyxia neonatorum (“pulselessness of the newborn”) is a lack of oxygen to the newborn. Synonyms used are peripartum asphyxia, neonatal asphyxia, or asphyxia at birth. The lack of oxygen causes respiratory failure, resulting in circulatory collapse. What is asphyxia neonatorum? The newborn responds to a poor oxygen supply with respiratory depression. The blood carries too … Asphyxia Neonatorum

Nail Hypoplasia: Causes, Treatment & Help

Nail hypoplasia is an underdevelopment of one or more finger or toe nails and occurs mainly in syndromes and embryopathies. Minor nail hypoplasia does not have to be of disease value and does not require therapy. Disruptive nail hypoplasia can be corrected with nail bed grafts. What is nail hypoplasia? Hypoplasias are malformations that can … Nail Hypoplasia: Causes, Treatment & Help

Morphogenesis: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Morphogenesis is the totality of the developments of organs, organisms, or individual cell organelles. In humans, embryogenesis and fetogenesis are important aspects of morphogenesis. What is morphogenesis? Morphogenesis is the process by which living structures acquire their shape. In humans, morphogenesis is divided into embryogenesis and fetogenesis. In the context of morphogenesis, living structures acquire … Morphogenesis: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Alcohol Embryopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Alcohol embryopathy (AE), which is sometimes also called fetal alcohol syndrome, is a medical term used to describe impairments in somatic and cognitive child development. Alcohol embryopathy is triggered by alcohol consumption or alcohol abuse during pregnancy. What is alcohol embryopathy? Alcohol embryopathy is a medical term used to describe impairments in somatic as well … Alcohol Embryopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Alcohol during pregnancy

Introduction Many women wonder whether a glass of wine is okay during pregnancy. Alcohol can cross the placenta (“placenta”, the border between maternal and child’s blood circulation) unhindered. In this way, the amount of alcohol consumed by a pregnant woman reaches the embryo or fetus unfiltered via the umbilical cord. Therefore, alcohol consumption during pregnancy … Alcohol during pregnancy

Alcohol in food | Alcohol during pregnancy

Alcohol in food In principle, the expectant mother should not consume alcohol during the entire pregnancy. This also applies to alcohol in food and mixed drinks. A single accidental consumption of a food containing alcohol is unlikely to directly harm the child. However, to avoid any risk, the expectant mother should consistently avoid alcohol. When … Alcohol in food | Alcohol during pregnancy

Brain Development: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

During embryogenesis, when the child grows in the womb, the brain‘s predispositions also form and differentiate. This is referred to as brain development. This continues even after birth. If disturbances occur during brain development, this can lead to serious problems. What is brain development? Brain development continues after birth. Newborns already have the majority of … Brain Development: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Embryopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Embryopathies are all malformations of the embryo that result from harmful influences in the early stages of pregnancy. The best-known embryopathies are infectious, stimulant, and drug embryopathies. The symptoms and their treatment depend on the severity of each. What is an embryopathy? Embryopathies are congenital diseases and malformations that result from various disorders in early … Embryopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment