Allergy Diagnostics

What allergy tests are there? In allergy tests, a distinction is made between skin tests and laboratory chemical procedures. The skin tests include the following: The tests differ in their invasiveness. In the rubbing test, the allergen (a substance that can lead to an allergic reaction) is rubbed over the inside of the forearm. In … Allergy Diagnostics

Prick test

Definition The prick test is a frequently performed skin test that is used to determine a hypersensitivity reaction to certain substances. A so-called type 1 allergy (immediate type) is determined. When is a prick test performed? The prick test is always carried out when there is a suspicion of a so-called type 1 allergy in … Prick test

Can a prick test be performed during pregnancy? | Prick test

Can a prick test be performed during pregnancy? No allergy tests should be carried out during pregnancy, including a prick test. This is because the prick test carries a certain, albeit low, risk of anaphylactic shock. Anaphylactic shock is the most severe complication of an allergic reaction and is an acutely life-threatening situation. Although this … Can a prick test be performed during pregnancy? | Prick test

Dexamethasone: Effects, Uses & Risks

Dexamethasone is an active substance that is produced artificially and falls into the large group of so-called glucocorticoids. Dexamethasone can be used to treat a number of conditions, including having an anti-inflammatory effect. What is dexamethasone? In its artificial variant, dexamethasone has, among other things, the function of inhibiting inflammation as well as the immune … Dexamethasone: Effects, Uses & Risks

The house dust allergy

Definition A house dust allergy is an allergic reaction of the body to the finest dust particles, which occur in the household and seasonally limited or all year round. A house dust allergy would correctly have to be called “house dust mite allergy“. The allergen, i.e. the substance causing the allergy, is namely the excrement … The house dust allergy

What does the health insurance company pay if you suffer from a house dust allergy? | The house dust allergy

What does the health insurance company pay if you suffer from a house dust allergy? If you suffer from a house dust allergy, you should check with your health insurance company to see which medications or aids are covered by it. This can vary from health insurance company to health insurance company. As a rule, … What does the health insurance company pay if you suffer from a house dust allergy? | The house dust allergy