Reiki: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Reiki, the universal life energy, is contained in all living things. If a person becomes ill, his body shows energy deficits. He develops symptoms that can be treated with a Reiki application. Energy initiation belongs to the field of holistic energy work and is offered today by many alternative practitioners, as well as in spa … Reiki: Treatment, Effects & Risks


Products In many countries, drugs containing promethazine are currently no longer on the market. The last product to be withdrawn from the market was Rhinathiol promethazine with the expectorant carbocisteine on January 31, 2009. However, medicines are still available in many countries. The original drug is Phenergan. Promethazine was developed in the 1940s at Rhône-Poulenc, … Promethazine

Electrostimulation: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Electrostimulation involves contacting a motor nerve by means of applied voltage. This contacting causes an action potential to reach the muscle, causing it to contract. Therapeutic electrostimulation is used primarily for peripheral paralysis and is intended to prevent muscle atrophy. What is electrostimulation? Electrostimulation is therapeutic stimulation by an applied voltage source. Electrostimulative procedures are … Electrostimulation: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Chemoprophylaxis: Treatment, Effects & Risks

If chemoprophylaxis is induced, physicians administer a viral agent or antibiotic to the patient to prophylactically (preventively) treat an established or an impending infection. The administration of these drugs is intended to prevent or combat the spread of pathogens in the body. What is chemoprophylaxis? If chemoprophylaxis is induced, physicians administer a viral agent or … Chemoprophylaxis: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Porcini Mushrooms: Intolerance & Allergy

The porcini mushroom (Boletus edulis), called Herrenpilz in Austria, is considered the noblest and tastiest of the native mushrooms. Boletus are tubular mushrooms with bulbous stems and a cap diameter of up to 20 centimeters, although much larger specimens are also found. This is what you should know about porcini mushrooms Porcini mushrooms are protected … Porcini Mushrooms: Intolerance & Allergy

Earache: Causes, Treatment & Help

Earaches are mostly severe painful irritations around the ear. This includes the inner ear, middle ear, pinna and also the outer areas of the ear. Most often, injuries, infections and inflammations are the cause of ear pain. What are earaches? Earaches can come in different forms and intensities. There are stabbing, pressing, unilateral and bilateral … Earache: Causes, Treatment & Help

Water Spinach: Intolerance & Allergy

Water spinach is a green vegetable that enhances Asian dishes in particular. It belongs to the genus of the showy vine and can be both annual and perennial. Other names – especially in the culinary field – are phak kwang tung or kangkung. Here’s what you should know about water spinach Water spinach thrives mainly … Water Spinach: Intolerance & Allergy

Oral Mucositis

Symptoms Oral mucositis manifests as redness, swelling, pain, a burning sensation, aphthae, a white to yellowish coating, sores, ulceration, bleeding, and bad breath, among other symptoms. The tongue and gums may also be affected. The discomfort may increase in association with eating. Sores can be so painful that food intake is limited, which can lead … Oral Mucositis

Mold in the Living Room

Symptoms A mold infestation in living spaces can cause or trigger health complaints. These include: Respiratory diseases such as cough, bronchitis and asthma. Irritation of the skin, throat, nose and eyes. Allergies, hypersensitivity reactions, anaphylaxis. Headache Potentially poisoning by mycotoxins In immunocompromised people, a life-threatening systemic fungal infection is additionally possible. Also, the so-called “sick … Mold in the Living Room