
Products In many countries, drugs containing promethazine are currently no longer on the market. The last product to be withdrawn from the market was Rhinathiol promethazine with the expectorant carbocisteine on January 31, 2009. However, medicines are still available in many countries. The original drug is Phenergan. Promethazine was developed in the 1940s at Rhône-Poulenc, … Promethazine


Products Medicines containing prochlorperazine are no longer registered in many countries, but other phenothiazines are available. Structure and properties Prochlorperazine (C20H24ClN3S, Mr = 373.9 g/mol) is present in drugs as prochlorperazine hydrogen maleate, a white to slightly yellowish crystalline powder that is very sparingly soluble in water. It is a chlorinated propylpiperazine derivative of phenothiazine. … Prochlorperazine