Palliative medicine – alternative therapies

Palliative care for an incurable, progressive disease places enormous demands on medical professionals, relatives and, above all, the person affected. Specialists have the task of providing comprehensive information about the disease and treatment options, and of observing ethical boundaries during therapy. Those affected, on the other hand, are overwhelmed by fear and helplessness – especially … Palliative medicine – alternative therapies


Mesotherapy is a complementary medical treatment in which a mixture of drugs and other (e.g. herbal) active ingredients is injected under the skin at the area to be treated using fine needles. It combines the basics of acupuncture, neural therapy and drug therapy and is based on the principle of reflex zones. Mesotherapy may only … Mesotherapy

Implementation | Mesotherapy

Implementation The fields of application of mesotherapy have a broad spectrum and can be divided into three broad categories: The curative uses of mesotherapy are varied and cover practically all fields of medicine. They are mostly used when other treatment methods have been unsuccessful or insufficient. Below are some examples of the curative uses of … Implementation | Mesotherapy

Costs | Mesotherapy

Costs The costs for mesotherapeutic treatment are rarely covered by the statutory health insurance companies. Depending on the type of treatment, they amount to approx. 150 – 300€. Contraindications Under certain circumstances, mesotherapy should not be used, for example in the case of existing infections, allergies to any active ingredients used, fever, tumor diseases, skin … Costs | Mesotherapy