Palliative Medicine: Information and Resources

Living will and health care proxy Arbitration board of the German Hospice Foundation Advises on conflicts relating to living wills. Internet: Telephone: 0231-7380730 Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection Legal information on guardianship law, living wills and health care proxies. Internet: Support services for patients and relatives Federal Ministry of Health Provides … Palliative Medicine: Information and Resources

Palliative medicine – alternative therapies

Palliative care for an incurable, progressive disease places enormous demands on medical professionals, relatives and, above all, the person affected. Specialists have the task of providing comprehensive information about the disease and treatment options, and of observing ethical boundaries during therapy. Those affected, on the other hand, are overwhelmed by fear and helplessness – especially … Palliative medicine – alternative therapies

Grief Starts Before Death

Chris Paul, social psychologist and director of the TrauerInstitut Deutschland, describes four tasks of mourning: grasping the reality of death and loss @ living through the diversity of feelings to perceive and shape changes in the environment @ assigning a new place to the dead person As a loved one, you must somehow manage these … Grief Starts Before Death

Palliative Medicine – Dying and Rights

With death, legal questions are always raised. Learn here why euthanasia is a sensitive topic and how to draft a living will. Author & source information Date : Scientific Standards: This text complies with the requirements of medical literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been reviewed by medical experts.

Palliative Medicine: Accepting Help from Others

In addition, there are various institutions that can support you. For example, a social counseling center can help you with financial questions or applications, among other things. In self-help groups, you will meet other sufferers who are going through or have gone through something similar to what you are going through. Exchanging ideas with other … Palliative Medicine: Accepting Help from Others