… while fasting | Halitosis

… while fasting It is not uncommon for strong bad breath to occur during fasting. Although this is not necessarily the case, it is very common. Usually, bad breath is most often caused by bacteria in the oral cavity, which decompose remaining food and saliva. They produce sulfur-containing compounds that cause bad breath. With chamfered … … while fasting | Halitosis


Synonyms in a broader sense Dental care, dental cleaning, professional tooth cleaning, toothbrush, electric toothbrush, toothpaste, mouth shower, mouthwash Introduction Mouthwash is not a substitute for toothbrush and toothpaste. It is, however, a useful addition to your oral and dental care at home. A rinse with mouthwash after brushing teeth also penetrates into the hard … Mouthwash

Can mouthwash be used against athlete’s foot? | Mouthwash

Can mouthwash be used against athlete’s foot? As with nail fungus, cosmetic mouthwash is absolutely powerless, while a mouth rinse can help fight athlete’s foot. There are again no studies, but some experience reports of users with Listerine®, which could achieve a positive and faster decay of the mushroom disease after regular foot baths. Here … Can mouthwash be used against athlete’s foot? | Mouthwash

Chlorhexidine | Mouthwash

Chlorhexidine Chlorhexidine has become indispensable in every dental practice, as its active ingredient chlorhexidine digluconate has been proven to improve oral health and heal diseases of the oral cavity.In general it can be said that any inflammatory process caused by bacteria in the mouth and throat can also be cured by chlorhexidine, as the active … Chlorhexidine | Mouthwash

Side effects | Mouthwash

Side effects Side effects from taking mouthwash are not to be expected. Although essential oils and the alcohol are also effective against bacteria, a negative effect on the oral flora has not been observed.Mouthwash should not be swallowed. Medical mouthwashes can cause harmless discoloration of the teeth (see also: white teeth) and tongue, but these … Side effects | Mouthwash


Manufacturer Bisphosphonates are now sold by almost all well-known manufacturers. The first substance that was brought to market was Fosamax®. Most information exists about this substance. The active ingredient alendronic acid or alendronate is still the so-called lead substance in osteoporosis requiring therapy. The efficacy of novel substances is being tested against this drug. Further … Bisphosphonates