Bad breath elimination/fighting | Halitosis

Bad breath elimination/fighting

Since a lack of oral hygiene is the cause of bad breath in most cases, thorough tooth cleaning is essential. It should be brushed at least twice a day for three minutes. Furthermore, the tongue can also be cleaned with a special tongue cleaner.

A lot of bacteria and plaque are deposited on it. The use of dental floss or interdental brushes is very important for thorough oral hygiene. Food residues, whose decomposition by bacteria can lead to bad breath, are most often deposited in the interdental spaces.

To prevent bad breath and tooth decay, it is therefore necessary to use dental floss. Furthermore, sufficient sugar-free beverages should always be drunk throughout the day. The liquid rinses away bacteria and food residues. There are mouthwashes that have antibacterial properties and can therefore fight the sulfuric acid producing bacteria. Furthermore, their taste ensures fresh breath.

How can I test for bad breath?

Bad breath is mostly caused by bacteria that decompose spokes and food remains. This can produce sulphurous gases that manifest themselves as bad breath. To measure bad breath there is a so-called halimeter, a device that can measure the sulfur content.

However, to be able to test your own bad breath, a very simple test is recommended. You can slip your tongue over your wrist and let your saliva dry completely. If you then smell the moistened area, you can clearly recognize the sulfur compounds and thus draw conclusions about the presence of your own bad breath.

The same procedure can also be performed with a cotton swab. You can also use it to brush over the back of the tongue and remove some coating. Afterwards, a bad breath can be detected by smelling the cotton swab, since a sulfur odor is also evident here. A doctor can be consulted to clarify the cause of your own bad breath.

Bad breath in children

Bad breath occurs much less frequently in children than in adults. The causes of bad breath in children can be quite different. Most commonly, as with adults, it is a sign of poor oral hygiene.

Food remains remain mainly in the interdental spaces and are decomposed by bacteria in the mouth. The metabolic products contain sulphur and cause unpleasant bad breath. To avoid this, thorough oral hygiene is a prerequisite.

The teeth should be brushed twice a day for at least three minutes. A routine in oral hygiene is very important for children to lay the foundation for caries-free teeth. Furthermore, a dry mouth of children can be the cause of bad breath.

This can be caused by stress or medication. Very often children have oral respiration. Mostly the bad breath is accompanied by an unpleasant taste.

It is very important that the children drink enough fluids. Recommended is about 1 – 1.5 liters of sugar-free drinks per day. Finally,bad breath in children can also be a sign of illness.Especially if you can be sure that your child brushes his or her teeth thoroughly and daily, you should consult a pediatrician if you suddenly experience bad breath.

It can be a sign of inflamed tonsils or sinusitis. In rare cases, the liver, stomach or kidneys may be affected. You can find more information here: Bad breath in children