What must be observed before the anaesthetic | Anaesthesia within the scope of a gastroscopy

What must be observed before the anaesthetic To prepare for a gastroscopy under anesthesia, an informative conversation must be held in advance and a corresponding information sheet must be signed by the patient and the physician. In this form, each patient is individually informed about possible complications, side effects and the course of the anesthesia … What must be observed before the anaesthetic | Anaesthesia within the scope of a gastroscopy

Procedure of the anesthesia | Anaesthesia within the scope of a gastroscopy

Procedure of the anesthesia In the morning before the gastroscopy, a tablet is first administered, which has a relaxing and anxiolytic effect on the patient. This is usually Dormicum. This medication is often sufficient to make a gastroscopy comfortable enough for the patient. However, if general anesthesia is chosen, further steps are necessary. In order … Procedure of the anesthesia | Anaesthesia within the scope of a gastroscopy

Risks and complications | Anaesthesia within the scope of a gastroscopy

Risks and complications In general as well as in gastroscopy in particular, anaesthesia is a very safe procedure nowadays and hardly dangerous. The most frequent complications occur as a result of the administration of narcotics and painkillers in the form of cardiovascular problems. However, the anaesthetist can counteract these problems very well by administering medication.Furthermore, … Risks and complications | Anaesthesia within the scope of a gastroscopy


Introduction TIVA stands for Total Intravenous Anaesthesia and describes an anaesthesia that is only performed with drugs that are administered directly into the vein. This means that no gaseous medications administered to the patient via the respiratory tract (inhaled narcotics) are used, as is often the case with general anesthesia. Anaesthesia using both gaseous and … TIVA

Advantages | TIVA

Advantages The first advantage of TIVA is that it greatly reduces the risk of nausea after anesthesia (PONV = Postoperative Nausa and Vomiting).The nausea after the anaesthesia is quasi a protective reflex of the body, as a reaction to the administered drugs, which it recognizes as poisons. Especially gaseous anaesthetics can cause this nausea. However, … Advantages | TIVA

Risks | TIVA

Risks The risks of a TIVA are largely the same as the risks associated with other general anesthesia procedures such as balanced anesthesia. With every anesthesia, there is a drop in blood pressure and pulse, as well as a reduced respiratory drive. If blood pressure is too low, circulatory problems can occur. For this reason, … Risks | TIVA