Flatulence Causes and Remedies

Symptoms Flatulence is manifested by an increased accumulation of gases in the intestines (meteorism), which may pass voluntarily or involuntarily (flatulence). They may be accompanied by an uncomfortable feeling, a bloated abdomen, cramps and other digestive symptoms such as constipation, increased bowel activity and diarrhea. Bloating is primarily a psychosocial problem because of the embarrassing … Flatulence Causes and Remedies

Tea Blends

Known tea blends Laxative tea PH (Species laxantes). Calming tea PH (Species sedativae) Bladder tea PH (Species anticystiticae) Flatulence tea PH (Species carminativae) Breast tea PH (Species pectorales) Women’s tea (according to Künzle) Diuretic tea PH (Species diureticae) Kidney and bladder tea Pregnancy tea Diaphoretic tea (Species diaphoreticae). Species Rütimeyer BMF Breastfeeding tea


Effects carminative: flatulent Indications Flatulence Active ingredients Essential oil drugs: Angelica Fennel Ginger Chamomile Calamus Coriander Caraway Lavender Melissa Peppermint Sage Yarrow Juniper Tea blends: Flatulent tea PH (Species carminativae). See also: antiflatulent, flatulence.