Irritation of the meninges

General The meninges surround the brain. They are called meninges in the technical language. There are three layers of the meninges. The innermost layer, the so-called soft meninges (pia mater), lies directly next to the brain and is responsible, among other things, for supplying the cells with nutrients. This is followed by the spider web … Irritation of the meninges

Brain Ventricle

Anatomy The brain ventricles or cerebral ventricles are fluid-filled cavities surrounded by brain tissue and connected to each other by small holes. In them, the so-called cerebrospinal fluid is produced and stored (colloquially called nerve fluid), a nutrient medium for nerve cells, which also serves to protect the brain and nerve structures. The cerebrospinal fluid … Brain Ventricle

Enlargement of the brain ventricles of the baby | Brain Ventricle

Enlargement of the brain ventricles of the baby An expansion of the cerebrospinal fluid can also occur in babies.Such a “hydrocephalus” is caused by a predominant imbalance between production and absorption of the liquor. On average, 1 in 1000 babies is affected. Congenital hydrocephalus can have various causes. Possible causes are overproduction, a disturbance of … Enlargement of the brain ventricles of the baby | Brain Ventricle