Treatment | Dizziness while driving a car


Depending on the cause, the treatment of vertigo is very easy or very long. Usually, when driving a car, it is sufficient to stop, get some fresh air and stretch your legs. Permanent vertigo is more difficult to treat.

Positional dizziness, which occurs when the head is turned quickly and the position is changed, can be eliminated by certain positioning techniques, for example. However, there are also many diseases of the organ of balance that are so complex that a complete therapy of vertigo is not possible. Often the treatment in this case consists of behavioral therapy, so affected persons learn how to deal with the dizziness in which situations.

If the dizziness is caused by an increased intracranial pressure, various therapy options are also possible. In the case of high blood pressure, for example, this can occur. In this case, the therapy consists of a medication-based adjustment of the blood pressure.

Serious diseases such as a tumor inside the skull, for example in the brain, can also be the cause of the increased pressure. Depending on the cause, the therapy ranges from an uncomplicated operation and drug treatment to a comprehensive cancer therapy with radiation and chemotherapy. In the case of circulatory dizziness, possible cardiac causes should be treated with medication. Otherwise, affected persons should always ensure that they drink a sufficient amount of water.


The duration of vertigo while driving a car varies greatly. Acute vertigo attacks often disappear as quickly as they came. However, the cause should be clarified so that the symptoms do not recur.

Other forms of dizziness occur permanently or repeatedly over a longer period of time. If the cause can be treated well, the dizziness usually disappears after a few days or weeks. Chronic dizziness, on the other hand, can last for months or years.

Course of disease

The course of vertigo while driving is to be expected to vary depending on the cause. Chronic forms of vertigo, which are caused by a disease of the vestibular organ, often appear a few minutes before an attack of vertigo and only become acute afterwards. The same is true for circulatory vertigo.

Such dizzy attacks can often be quickly remedied by fresh air.Acute dizzy spells on the other hand often occur suddenly and in the worst case even lead to fainting fits. Basically, dizziness while driving a car can take any course from a mild dizziness lasting a few minutes to a severe vertigo attack.