Functions of capillaries | Capillary

Functions of capillaries The function of the capillaries is mainly mass transfer. Depending on where the capillary network is located, nutrients, oxygen and metabolic end products are exchanged between the bloodstream and the tissue. Nutrients are supplied to the tissue, waste products are absorbed and carried away. Depending on the oxygen requirement of a particular … Functions of capillaries | Capillary


Definition When we talk about capillaries (hair vessels), we usually mean the blood capillaries, although we must not forget that there are also lymph capillaries. Blood capillaries are one of three types of vessels that can be distinguished in humans. There are the arteries that transport the blood away from the heart and the veins … Capillary

Structure of capillaries | Capillary

Structure of capillaries The structure of a capillary resembles a tube. The diameter of a capillary is about five to ten micrometers. Since the red blood cells (erythrocytes) that flow through the capillaries have a diameter of about seven micrometers, they must deform somewhat when they flow through the small blood vessels. This minimizes the … Structure of capillaries | Capillary

Carotid artery anatomy and function

Synonyms Carotid, carotid, carotid, carotid artery Latin: Arteria carotis communis. Definition The carotid artery runs in pairs and supplies large parts of the head and neck with oxygen-rich blood. On the right, it originates from the brachiocephalic trunk, on the left directly from the aortic arch. Course of the carotid artery The course of the … Carotid artery anatomy and function

Diseases of the carotid artery | Carotid artery anatomy and function

Diseases of the carotid artery Constriction (stenosis) or occlusion of the arteries supplying the brain If stenosis of an artery occurs due to arteriosclerosis, the blood supply to this vessel is reduced and thus the supply of oxygen decreases. If this constriction develops very slowly, i.e. chronically, a collateral circulation can develop via the other … Diseases of the carotid artery | Carotid artery anatomy and function

Carotid artery clogged | Carotid artery anatomy and function

Carotid artery clogged When colloquially speaking of “clogging” an artery, this usually refers to the narrowing of the vessel due to arteriosclerosis, i.e. deposits in the vessel wall which protrude into the lumen of the artery and thus impede or even prevent blood flow. A direct “clogging” of arteries in the form of a thrombus, … Carotid artery clogged | Carotid artery anatomy and function


Synonyms ArteryA artery is a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart. In the body’s circulation, an artery always carries oxygen-rich blood, whereas in the pulmonary circulation it always carries oxygen-poor blood, since it transports the oxygen-poor blood from the heart to the lungs to enrich the oxygen. Arteries change their microscopic (histological) … Artery

Types of arteries

Synonyms artery, artery, pulsating artery, vein, blood vessel, vessel English: artery Introduction According to the microscopic building material predominant in the middle layer (tunica media) of the artery, two types of arteries can be distinguished Arteries of the elastic type are mainly the large arteries near the heart. These include the main artery (aorta) and … Types of arteries

Blocking arteries (Arteria convolutae) | Types of arteries

Blocking arteries (Arteria convolutae) Blocking arteries can reduce the width of the vessel so much that little or no blood can flow through the vessel. This allows the blood supply to various organs to be regulated. This regulation of the artery is of particular importance in the human body for the sexual organs, as well … Blocking arteries (Arteria convolutae) | Types of arteries