Diagnosis | Pain in the fingertip


In general, the family doctor is the first point of contact for pain in the fingertip, as it is unclear where the pain comes from. The doctor will take into account the circumstances, the time course and accompanying symptoms when making a diagnosis. Perhaps the cause, such as a cut injury, can be identified without further diagnosis, so that treatment can be started.

If the fingertip is additionally inflamed or the nail is also affected, a dermatologist may be involved.A smear or microbiological sample of the affected area can also help to narrow down the possible pathogen and thus to find the right therapy. If there is a suspicion that the bone is also affected by an inflammation or injury, an X-ray of the affected hand is taken. A small blood count including inflammation values may also be useful. If there is suspicion of Raynaud’s disease, a cold provocation test or a fist closure test can be performed to assess blood circulation. If the finger end joint is mainly affected, gout, rheumatic disease, joint degeneration or other impairment should be excluded.

Therapy of pain in the fingertip

The treatment of pain in the fingertip depends on the cause of the pain. If there is an injury, it will be treated appropriately. Depending on the depth of the injury, it must be sutured or stapled and bandaged, or a plaster is sufficient.

Protection of the hand, elevation and cooling, as well as the use of painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol can help additionally. In the event of an inflammation, pus, if present, must be emptied and the area carefully cleaned and disinfected. An antibiotic treatment (e.g. tablets, depending on the pathogen) or a therapy against (nail) fungal diseases may be necessary.

Raynaud’s syndrome can be treated medically with calcium antagonists such as nifedipine, and one should generally avoid cold and wet conditions. Diseases of the joint can also be treated with gout medication, rheumatism medication or otherwise, depending on the cause. In case of wear and tear (arthrosis), a stiffening of the final joint should be considered.