Artery: Structure and Function

Venous versus arterial Arteries carry blood away from the heart, veins towards the heart. The proportion of the two types of vessels in the circulatory system is very different: compared to the veins, which make up the majority of blood vessels at around 75 percent, arteries are outnumbered at only around 20 percent (capillaries five … Artery: Structure and Function

Sensorimotor Function: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The acronym sensorimotor is composed of the two terms sensory and motor and describes a motor function of the muscles, which are controlled largely unconsciously by sensory impressions. As a rule, this involves learned complex movement sequences such as walking upright, riding a bicycle, playing with balls, steering a car and much more. During the … Sensorimotor Function: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Superior Constrictor Pharyngis Muscle: Structure, Function & Diseases

The superior constrictor pharyngis muscle is a skeletal muscle of the pharynx and consists of four parts. It closes the entrance to the nose during swallowing. Paralysis of the soft palate and certain neurologic diseases can disrupt the closure and contribute to dysphagia. What is the superior pharyngis constrictor muscle? The superior constrictor pharyngis muscle, … Superior Constrictor Pharyngis Muscle: Structure, Function & Diseases

Occipital Artery: Structure, Function & Diseases

The occipital artery is a blood vessel involved in supplying blood to the muscles of the neck and back. In addition, the artery supplies the occipital region (regio occipitalis). Pulse-synchronous tinnitus may be associated with disorders of the occipital artery, for example, arteriovenous fistulas or circulatory disturbances due to arteriosclerosis. What is the occipital artery? … Occipital Artery: Structure, Function & Diseases

Ascending Pharyngeal Artery: Structure, Function & Diseases

The ascending pharyngeal artery (ascending pharyngeal artery) is a smaller branch of the external carotid artery (carotid artery) with the latter branching off from the common carotid artery (greater carotid artery). The ascending pharyngeal artery provides blood flow to the pharynx and, with the help of a connection with the larger arteries that supply the … Ascending Pharyngeal Artery: Structure, Function & Diseases