Treatment of a ruptured Baker’s cyst | Treatment of a Baker cyst

Treatment of a ruptured Baker’s cyst A Baker’s cyst usually causes severe pain in the affected patients. This pain symptomatology is significantly increased when the knee joint is strained. For this reason, the mobility as well as the functionality of the knee joint of patients suffering from a Baker’s cyst is often severely limited. A … Treatment of a ruptured Baker’s cyst | Treatment of a Baker cyst

Arthrofibrosis in the knee

Synonyms in a broader sense Joint scarring Intra-articular scarring “painful restriction of movement in the knee” Cyclops Syndrome Infrapatellar contracture syndrome /Patella baja Generalized inflammatory joint reaction Definition Arthrofibrosis is a dreaded, in its aetiology largely unexplained joint disease following surgery or injury, resulting in a more or less severe, sometimes painful restriction of joint … Arthrofibrosis in the knee

What causes lead to arthrofibrosis | Arthrofibrosis in the knee

What causes lead to arthrofibrosis While secondary arthrofibrosis is usually caused by manual surgical errors, the cause of primary arthrofibrosis is still not fully understood. Different research results are contrasted with each other. It seems certain, however, that several factors are responsible for triggering and maintaining primary arthrofibrosis. In secondary arthrofibrosis following cruciate ligament replacement … What causes lead to arthrofibrosis | Arthrofibrosis in the knee

Differential diagnoses = alternative causes | Arthrofibrosis in the knee

Differential diagnoses = alternative causes Other clinical pictures must be distinguished from arthrofibrosis, which can also lead to a loss of knee joint function. Rehabilitation deficit (frequent): Inadequate postoperative follow-up treatment and too long immobilization can lead to capsule shrinkage of the knee joint, resulting in a persistent restriction of movement. The reasons for this … Differential diagnoses = alternative causes | Arthrofibrosis in the knee

Arthrofibrosis of the shoulder | Arthrofibrosis in the knee

Arthrofibrosis of the shoulder Arthrofibrosis can also occur in the shoulder, since the shoulder joint can also be affected here, similar to the knee joint. This results in pain and restricted movement. Redness, swelling or effusion can also occur. However, these symptoms need not occur; the most common are pain and a restriction of possible … Arthrofibrosis of the shoulder | Arthrofibrosis in the knee