Quetiapin | Neuroleptics

Quetiapin Quetiapine is an active ingredient which belongs to the group of atypical neuroleptics. A well-known drug containing the active ingredient is known as Seroquel® and there are also some generic drugs. Drugs with the active ingredient Quetiapine are used to treat psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, manic and depressive episodes and bipolar disorders. The … Quetiapin | Neuroleptics


ExplanationDefinition Zyprexa® belongs to the group of atypical neuroleptics. In addition to a good antipsychotic effect, which is particularly used in the therapy of mania, it has a relatively small spectrum of side effects. Zyprexa®, Zyprexa® Velo Tabs Chemical name 2-methyl-4-(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)-10H-thieno[2,3-b][1,5]benzodiazepine Chemical formula: C17H20N4S6-21⁄2H2O Active ingredient OlanzapineZyprexa® is used as a drug therapy for various … Cyprus

Contraindication | Cyprus

Contraindication The use of Zyprexa® is not recommended in patients with Narrow-angle glaucoma (glaucoma) Adiposity (overweight) Morbus Parkinson Liver disorders Dementia Price Since there is always talk about cost pressure in the health care system, we think it is important to also find out about prices for medications (prices are exemplary and without recommendation character): … Contraindication | Cyprus