Pain At Rest: Causes, Treatment & Help

Painful discomfort can occur both during strain or overexertion, due to poor posture, disease or injury, and during movement. A special form of pain is known as pain at rest. What is pain at rest? In rest pain, patients complain of painful sensations that are evident whenever they are at rest, sitting or sleeping. In … Pain At Rest: Causes, Treatment & Help

Decubitus Ulcer: Pressure Ulcer and Bedsores: Prevention is the Best Therapy

A pressure sore is tissue damage caused by high and prolonged pressure when patients are bedridden for extended periods of time. Ulcers develop in the areas where patients lie on their backs, often over the sacrum or coccyx or on outer ankles – this is referred to as “bedsores.” The affected areas of the body … Decubitus Ulcer: Pressure Ulcer and Bedsores: Prevention is the Best Therapy