Baby moles

Definition A birthmark or mole is a benign skin change. More precisely, it is an accumulation of pigment cells, so that the spot can be distinguished from the surrounding skin by its color. Birthmarks are usually monochrome and can take on different shades of brown to an almost black color. They can exist from birth … Baby moles

Itchy birthmark | Baby moles

Itchy birthmark Moles, also called nevus in technical terminology, can also cause itching in some cases. Itchy moles are particularly common in babies and toddlers. This is difficult to detect in babies, as they cannot yet describe their problem, in this case itching. Parents therefore often only see scratched spots on the skin. Itching is … Itchy birthmark | Baby moles

Bleeding birthmark | Baby moles

Bleeding birthmark Moles can also lead to local inflammatory reactions in babies. Inflammation is characterized by good blood circulation and pain, among other things. Both inflammation and itching can cause the baby to scratch the birthmark and it starts bleeding. If bleeding occurs frequently, a dermatologist should examine the mole. A bleeding birthmark is no … Bleeding birthmark | Baby moles