Physiotherapy for pain and diseases of the hand

Genetic factors as well as overloading of the hand and finger joints can restrict mobility. Pain and swelling are often accompanying symptoms. In addition to drug treatment, physiotherapy provides the maintenance or restoration of joint mobility.

Physiotherapeutic interventions for diseases of the finger joints

Particularly in the case of arthrosis of the finger joint, maintaining mobility and alleviating pain in physiotherapy is crucial. The breakdown of the cartilage substance causes the joint capsule to ossify, resulting in the formation of small nodules on the finger joints, which restrict mobility and cause pain. In addition to the pain and restricted mobility, swelling can also occur.

Below is an overview of articles about the above mentioned problems:

  • Physiotherapy for finger joint arthrosis
  • Exercises for existing finger joint arthrosis
  • Physiotherapy for swelling of the finger joints

Overloading or incorrect loading as well as previous illnesses can lead to diseases of the wrist. The mobility of the joint is lost and painful inflammations and load-dependent pain occur again and again. Physiotherapy uses manual therapeutic techniques. The following is an overview of articles with physiotherapeutic interventions for wrist diseases:

  • Physiotherapy wrist
  • Physiotherapy for an inflammation of the wrist
  • Physiotherapy for wrist arthrosis
  • Physiotherapy for a carpal fracture
  • Physiotherapy for a scaphoid fracture
  • Physiotherapy for a ruptured capsule on the hand
  • Physiotherapy for torn ligaments of the wrist
  • Physiotherapy for tendon insertion irritation
  • Physiotherapy for tendosynovitis
  • Exercises for tendinitis
  • Physiotherapy for carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome exercises