Paralysis: Causes, Treatment & Help

Paralysis or multiple paralyses mostly refer to an inability to move various parts of the body, such as the arms and legs. This primarily involves paralysis of the muscles that allow the body’s motor skills to function. What are paralyses? The causes of paralysis are many and varied. However, the main causes are nerve inflammation, … Paralysis: Causes, Treatment & Help

Ito-thermia: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Ito-Thermy is a Japanese alternative medicine procedure and has its roots in Zen Buddhism. The massage technique involves compressing herbs, setting them on fire and smoldering them into metal tubes that are used to work on the patient’s body. The goal is to activate the immune system and self-healing powers. What is ito-thermia? Ito-Thermy is … Ito-thermia: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Changes in the blood-brain barrier in multiple sclerosis | Blood-Brain Barrier

Changes in the blood-brain barrier in multiple sclerosis Structural changes in the area of the blood–brain barrier lead to a loss of integrity (intactness of the blood-brain barrier), which promotes the development of various diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS). In multiple sclerosis, inflammatory demyelinating processes in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) … Changes in the blood-brain barrier in multiple sclerosis | Blood-Brain Barrier

Conclusion | Blood-Brain Barrier

Conclusion The blood–brain barrier is therefore indispensable for the safety and functional maintenance of neurons. Sometimes it makes it difficult for drugs to be effective. If it does not function properly, it can lead to a number of neurological deficits. All articles in this series: Blood-Brain Barrier Structure Changes in the blood-brain barrier in multiple … Conclusion | Blood-Brain Barrier

Blood diseases/ haematology

Haematology is a branch of internal medicine, which deals in particular with the teaching of the healthy functioning of the blood system and, in turn, of diseases in the blood. Haematology is one of the more complex areas of internal medicine, since knowledge about the malfunctioning of the blood system is in the early stages … Blood diseases/ haematology

Associated symptoms | Burning in the toes – what is behind it?

Associated symptoms A symptom often associated with burning toes is numbness that is felt on the same or adjacent toes. Also, sensations such as a slight tingling sensation, similar to the sensation when a fallen asleep foot “wakes up” again, are relatively common. In technical terminology such phenomena are called “paresthesias”. Another accompanying symptom is … Associated symptoms | Burning in the toes – what is behind it?