Skin rash in children

Introduction When parents suddenly observe a rash in their children, they are usually very worried. In most cases, however, harmless childhood diseases or allergic reactions to certain environmental stimuli are hidden behind the skin changes. If the rash persists for a long time or if the child develops clear symptoms of illness, such as high … Skin rash in children

Proper Protection from Ticks

To prevent diseases such as TBE or Lyme disease, it is advisable to carefully protect yourself from ticks when spending time in nature. What helps to protect against ticks and how to remove ticks properly, we explain below. How can I protect myself from ticks? When staying in tick areas, it is best to wear … Proper Protection from Ticks

Tetracycline: Effects, Uses & Risks

Tetracyclines are drugs in the antibiotic class of active ingredients. They belong to the broad-spectrum antibiotics and are used for bacterial infections. What is tetracycline? Tetracyclines are drugs in the antibiotic drug class. They belong to the broad-spectrum antibiotics. Tetracyclines are various antibiotics that were first mentioned by Benjamin Minge Duggar in 1948. The drugs … Tetracycline: Effects, Uses & Risks

Diagnosis | Pain in lymph nodes in the groin

Diagnosis For a correct diagnosis, a good anamnesis and physical examination are crucial. If the lymph nodes are palpated, a distinction is made between enlarged, soft, easily displaceable, pressure painful nodes, which indicates an infectious cause. A further distinction is made between enlarged, coarse, non-painful nodules that are fused with the surrounding tissue, which may … Diagnosis | Pain in lymph nodes in the groin

Duration and prognosis | Pain in lymph nodes in the groin

Duration and prognosis The cause is also decisive in terms of duration and prognosis. Local inflammations or simple infections usually heal without consequences after a few weeks with the appropriate therapy. More serious infections such as glandular fever can take a long time to progress and cause recurrent attacks in the affected person. In HIV … Duration and prognosis | Pain in lymph nodes in the groin


Introduction Encephalitis is the inflammation of brain tissue. The isolated infection of the brain, without involvement of the meninges, is most often caused by viruses. The course is usually mild. However, the disease can also have severe to fatal consequences. More common is the inflammation of the meninges, which is called meningitis. In the case … Encephalitis

Diagnostics | Encephalitis

Diagnostics The main objective of diagnostics should always be to determine the type of pathogen, since the various therapies sometimes differ fundamentally. Since encephalitis caused by viruses is often milder, the diagnosis can be made more difficult. If symptoms are present, a throat swab as well as a stool and blood sample should be taken … Diagnostics | Encephalitis

Symptoms | Encephalitis

Symptoms The symptoms of encephalitis can be milder or more severe, depending on the pathogen, and can thus have a strong influence on the therapy and course of the disease. In contrast to meningitis, encephalitis can generally be expected to have a milder course if the symptoms are recognized and treated quickly. In the beginning, … Symptoms | Encephalitis