
Products Methylaminolevulinate is commercially available as a cream (Metvix). It has been approved in many countries since 2003. Structure and properties Methylaminolevulinate (C6H11NO3, Mr = 145.2 g/mol) is an ester of aminolevulinic acid. It is present in the drug product as methylaminolevulinate hydrochloride, a white to slightly yellowish powder that is readily soluble in water. … Methylaminolevulinate

Photodynamic Therapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Photodynamic therapy represents a comparatively gentle and at the same time effective treatment procedure for superficial skin tumors. With the help of so-called photosensitizers and light waves, substances are released in the organism that specifically lead to cell death of the diseased cells. What is photodynamic therapy? Photodynamic therapy represents a comparatively gentle yet effective … Photodynamic Therapy: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Is the Borbus Bowen already cancer? | Bowen’s disease

Is the Borbus Bowen already cancer? Bowen’s disease is a precancerous stage of cancer, which is also known as precancerosis in medical terminology. It is therefore not – yet – an invasive cancer. However, Bowen’s disease can develop into cancer if it is not treated early. This is then referred to as Bowen’s carcinoma. The … Is the Borbus Bowen already cancer? | Bowen’s disease

Bowen’s disease

Definition Bowen’s disease (synonym: Erythroplasia de Queryat, Dermatosis preacancerosa Bowen, Dyskeratosis maligna, Bowen’s skin cancer) is a precancerosis of the skin. A precancerosis is a precancerous stage of cancer that is not yet invasive. This means that the degenerated cells do not yet grow deep into the tissue and therefore cannot yet spread and form … Bowen’s disease