The pupil reflex

The pupillary reflex describes the involuntary adaptation of the eye to changing light conditions. The width of the pupil changes reflectively with incident light. This reflex is controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system and plays an important role in visual acuity and in the protection of the retina. If the environment is very bright, the … The pupil reflex

How can the pupillary reflex be tested? | The pupil reflex

How can the pupillary reflex be tested? The examination of the pupillary reflex is one of the standard examinations in neurology. The pupillary reflex can be tested by means of a flashlight examination. This involves illuminating one eye and examining the reaction of both eyes. If deviations occur, this is called anisocoria. Normally, the doctor … How can the pupillary reflex be tested? | The pupil reflex

Umbilical Cord Knot

Definition The umbilical cord knot is a dreaded complication during pregnancy and delivery. Increased fetal movement in the womb can cause the umbilical cord to twist or even knot. In the umbilical cord blood vessels run from the mother to the child and back again. This supplies the child with oxygen and nutrients from the … Umbilical Cord Knot

Diagnosis | Umbilical Cord Knot

Diagnosis An umbilical cord knot can possibly be recognized in ultrasound in the form of a larger distension. However, it usually remains undetected during pregnancy and is only noticed when it becomes symptomatic. During pregnancy, the bending of the umbilical cord leads to a deficiency in the supply of the child, which becomes noticeable by … Diagnosis | Umbilical Cord Knot

These can be the late effects of an umbilical cord node | Umbilical Cord Knot

These can be the late effects of an umbilical cord node The child is supplied with oxygen and nutrients by the mother via the vessels running in the umbilical cord. If the vessels are squeezed, an acute undersupply occurs. Especially the child’s brain reacts very sensitively to a lack of oxygen. This can lead to … These can be the late effects of an umbilical cord node | Umbilical Cord Knot

Infantile cerebral palsy

Synonyms in the broadest sense The term “infantile cerebral palsy” comes from Latin and means “brain paralysis”, it is often abbreviated as ICP. Infantile cerebral palsy belongs to the group of movement disorders and is a disease that is the basis of early childhood brain damage. It usually manifests itself in disorders of the muscle … Infantile cerebral palsy

Therapy | Infantile cerebral palsy

Therapy There are conservative and surgical therapies for infantile cerebral palsy. However, there is no cure for this disease, symptoms can only be alleviated. Conservative therapies include the following options: Physiotherapy: Daily exercises can loosen cramped muscles and thus improve muscle movement. Occupational therapy: Thereby everyday activities are practiced. Medication: Sedatives (psychotropic drugs) and antispasmodics … Therapy | Infantile cerebral palsy