Autogenic Training

Autogenic training is known to many people. In today’s society, time pressure, stress and permanent hectic are increasingly the cause of mental illness and physical diseases. Dizziness, burnout or depression are examples of possible consequences of this lifestyle. That’s why it’s all the more important to take time out regularly and relax properly. The term … Autogenic Training

Anti-Aging Medicine

If you are young, you can hardly imagine what it is like to be old. Beyond 30, however, you suddenly become aware: the skin becomes flabbier, the body no longer forgives dietary and alcoholic sins so quickly. Aging may not be the most beautiful thing in the world, but it is the fairest, because it … Anti-Aging Medicine


Synonyms Lat. = trachea; function trachea, anatomy trachea Definition Together with the bronchi and lungs, the trachea is one of the lower airways and connects the nasopharynx with the lungs. The windpipe is located in the throat below the larynx and in the thorax. Breathing air makes its way from the nasal cavity via the … Windpipe

Pain of the windpipe | Windpipe

Pain of the windpipe Tracheal pain can have many different causes. One of the most common causes is inflammation of the airways. In the case of pain in the area of the trachea, the inflammation is most likely to be located in the area of the throat, larynx or upper trachea. Possible pathogens are viruses, … Pain of the windpipe | Windpipe

The tracheotomy | Windpipe

The tracheotomy A tracheotomy is an artificial opening of the windpipe. A kind of tube/cannula is then inserted into this opening, which connects the trachea with the outside world and keeps the incision open. This tube, which directs the air through the incision in the trachea into the lungs, is called a “tracheostoma” in medical … The tracheotomy | Windpipe

Bad breath in children

Introduction The colloquially used term bad breath describes the occurrence of foul-smelling breath from the oral cavity. Halitosis is generally perceived by those affected as extremely annoying and unpleasant. Bad breath (also called halitosis or foetor ex ore) is a problem that men and women suffer from equally. Halitosis is also not uncommon in children, … Bad breath in children

Origin | Bad breath in children

Origin The mechanism behind the development of bad breath in children is primarily dependent on the underlying cause. This also explains why halitosis in children has a different scent depending on the underlying problem. The American chemist Linus Paulinger (1901- 1994) examined in a study several hundred breath samples of patients, who suffer from bad … Origin | Bad breath in children

What is Halitosis?

Even you notice it in the rarest cases, but reactions of the counterpart can bring you on the right track. Foetor ex ore or Halitosis is scientifically called the evil suffering. Halitus comes from the Latin and means breath. The suffix -osis was taken from Greek and is translated as “pathological condition“. Millions of people … What is Halitosis?