Summary | Physiotherapy for hip impingement syndrome

Summary In hip impingement, there is a tightness between the femoral head and the socket. The cartilage and the capsule can be injured by entrapment and the development of arthrosis is promoted. Therefore, surgery is often indicated in which the joint mechanics are restored arthroscopically. Mobilizing physiotherapy is combined with strengthening exercises for the hip … Summary | Physiotherapy for hip impingement syndrome

Physiotherapy for a hip impingement

The anatomy of the bones is slightly altered, so that the joint partners do not slide optimally into each other, but bump into each other when moving. There are two different forms of hip impingement: pincer impingement and cam impingement. Pincer impingement is a malformation of the acetabulum on the pelvic bone. The hollow hemisphere … Physiotherapy for a hip impingement

Rupture of biceps tendon/rupture | Therapy for biceps tendon inflammation

Rupture of biceps tendon/rupture Recurring or severe inflammation can change the composition of the biceps tendon. It becomes less resilient and brittle. In the case of chronic inflammation of the biceps tendon or other inflammatory or degenerative diseases of the shoulder joint, the tendon may tear if the strain is not adequate. More rare is … Rupture of biceps tendon/rupture | Therapy for biceps tendon inflammation