Psoriasis: Symptoms, Causes

Brief overview Symptoms: Sharply defined, reddened areas of skin covered with silvery scales, severe itching Causes and risk factors: Genetic predisposition, autoimmune reaction in the skin, possible relapse triggers are stress, infections, hormonal changes, skin irritation and damage Diagnostics: Physical examination, skin sample if necessary Treatment: Medication, for example anti-inflammatory ointments and creams with urea … Psoriasis: Symptoms, Causes

Lipodema: Therapy, Symptoms, Causes

Brief overview Treatment: Compression therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, exercise, weight control, surgical procedures such as liposuction (liposuction) Symptoms: Symmetrical increase in fatty tissue on the legs (and/or arms), pressure and tension pain, tendency to bruising, disproportionate, typically hands and feet are not affected Causes and risk factors: Not fully understood, probably genetic factors, hormonal influences, … Lipodema: Therapy, Symptoms, Causes

Paranoid Personality Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, Therapy

Paranoid personality disorder: description Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by the fact that sufferers have no trust in other people. They constantly assume that others want to harm them, without having any evidence to support this. For example, if a work colleague smiles at them in a friendly way, they feel laughed at. If their … Paranoid Personality Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, Therapy

Obesity (Adiposity): Types and Causes

Brief overview Treatment: dietary, exercise, behavioral therapy, medication, stomach reduction, obesity cure. Symptoms: Unusually high accumulation of fat in the body, reduced performance, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, joint and back pain, psychological disorders, fatty liver, gout, kidney stones as secondary clinical signs Causes and risk factors: genetic predisposition, unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, … Obesity (Adiposity): Types and Causes

Perineal Tear: Causes, Treatment, Prognosis

Brief overview Causes and risk factors: Usually birth injury, rapid delivery, large child, interventions during delivery, e.g. use of forceps or suction cup (vacuum extraction), insufficient perineal protection, very firm tissue Symptoms: pain, bleeding, swelling, possibly bruising (hematoma). Diagnosis: Visible injury, examination of deeper tissue injuries with the help of a vaginal speculum (speculum) Treatment: … Perineal Tear: Causes, Treatment, Prognosis

Cephalhematoma: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Brief overview Course of disease and prognosis: Usually very good, regresses after several weeks to months; sometimes increased neonatal icterus, very rare complications Symptoms: Doughy-soft, later turgid-elastic swelling on the newborn’s head Causes and risk factors: Shear forces acting on the child’s head during birth, increased risk with assistive devices such as forceps or suction … Cephalhematoma: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Hemoptysis (Coughing Up Blood): Causes, Therapy

Brief overview What is hemoptysis? Coughing up blood, i.e. coughing with bloody sputum. The attenuated form is called hemoptysis. Possible causes: Bronchitis, congenital or acquired bronchial outpouchings, malignant tumors in the lungs, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary abscess, pulmonary hypertension, vascular malformations, autoimmune diseases, increased bleeding tendency (e.g., due to certain medications), lung injuries. Brief overview … Hemoptysis (Coughing Up Blood): Causes, Therapy

Low Blood Pressure: Thresholds, Symptoms, Causes

Symptoms: Sometimes none, but often symptoms include palpitations, dizziness, headache, fatigue, shortness of breath Causes: Low blood pressure is partly hereditary. However, it can also be caused by environmental influences, diseases or medication as well as certain body postures or (rapid) changes in position. Diagnosis: Repeated blood pressure measurement, certain circulation tests, if necessary further … Low Blood Pressure: Thresholds, Symptoms, Causes