Classification of pain according to its location on the thumb | Pain in the thumb – Is that dangerous?

Classification of pain according to its location on the thumb Roughly speaking, the thumb consists of the movable end links and the ball of the thumb. Depending on which part is overloaded or injured, the complaints occur in different places. The thumb contains a total of three joints, which can cause pain if the joint … Classification of pain according to its location on the thumb | Pain in the thumb – Is that dangerous?

How is the diagnosis of thumb pain made? | Pain in the thumb – Is that dangerous?

How is the diagnosis of thumb pain made? In order to make a diagnosis as to why there is pain in the thumb, the doctor should first of all base himself on the interview (anamnesis) to find out whether there may have been cases of rhizarthrosis in the family. Palpation, i.e. palpation of the thumb, … How is the diagnosis of thumb pain made? | Pain in the thumb – Is that dangerous?

Nomophobia: What’s Behind It?

The artificial word nomophobia describes the fear of not being reachable via smartphone. The term originates from the English-speaking world and is the abbreviation for “No-Mobile-Phone-Phobia”. This translates as “fear of not having a cell phone.” A study in 2012 found that 66 percent of British cell phone users are afraid of mobile inaccessibility. In … Nomophobia: What’s Behind It?