Cephalhematoma: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Brief overview Course of disease and prognosis: Usually very good, regresses after several weeks to months; sometimes increased neonatal icterus, very rare complications Symptoms: Doughy-soft, later turgid-elastic swelling on the newborn’s head Causes and risk factors: Shear forces acting on the child’s head during birth, increased risk with assistive devices such as forceps or suction … Cephalhematoma: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Baby cephalhematoma

What is a cephalhematoma? The cephalhematoma, or also called “hematoma of the head“, is a bruise that occurs in connection with an injury to the infant at birth. It causes vascular injuries to the back of the baby’s head as a result of shear forces during the birth process. The cephalhematoma is defined as such … Baby cephalhematoma

Associated symptoms | Baby cephalhematoma

Associated symptoms Cephalhematoma is often associated with other birth injuries, such as skull fractures or other head tumors. These include the “caput succedaneum”, which is also called a birth tumor and consists of fluid located under the skin. Without any additional treatment, it completely recedes within a few hours to days. The “subgaleatic hematoma” consists … Associated symptoms | Baby cephalhematoma

Bruise on the baby

Definition A bruise (haematoma) usually results from blunt trauma, such as bumping into an object. This causes small blood vessels to burst, so that blood accumulates under the skin and becomes noticeable by a discoloration. There is no injury to the skin. In principle, a bruise is nothing more than a bruise. However, it is … Bruise on the baby