Extrapyramidal Motor System: Structure, Function & Diseases

Human motor function is controlled by an interplay between the two pyramidal tracts and the three extrapyramidal nerve tracts in the spinal cord. Within this framework, the extrapyramidal or extrapyramidal motor system is primarily responsible for involuntary and automated movements. In inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system, as well as in trauma, the extrapyramidal … Extrapyramidal Motor System: Structure, Function & Diseases

Acoustic neuroma

The most common tumour of the inner ear is the acoustic neuroma. Other names for this are cerebellar bridge angle tumour and vestibularis schwannoma. This is a neurinoma or schwannoma in the inner part of the auditory canal or a neurinoma in the cerebellar bridge angle. A neurinoma or schwannoma is a benign and usually … Acoustic neuroma

Classification | Acoustic neuroma

Classification The classification of acoustic neuroma is possible according to two systems. Three stages from A to C are named after Wigand: Six types are classified according to Samii: Stage A: in the inner ear canal, smaller than 8mm in diameter Stage B: grows up to the cerebellar bridge angle, diameter between 9- 25mm Stage … Classification | Acoustic neuroma

Therapy | Acoustic neuroma

Therapy The operation of an acoustic neuroma is one possible therapy option. Tumours located in the inner ear canal can also be removed. If the hearing function is still intact, an attempt is made to preserve it. In this case, the skull is opened from the side via the os temporale (temporal bone) – the … Therapy | Acoustic neuroma


Synonyms in the broadest sense Truncus encephali Introduction The brain stem, also called truncus encepahli, consists of the following components: Midbrain=Mesencephalon Afterbrain=Metencephalon from bridge (Pons) and cerebellum Lengthened medulla oblangata The brain stem of the brain comprises, from top to bottom, the midbrain, the bridge with the IV brain ventricle behind it and the adjacent … Brainstem


Angioblastoma is the short version for hemangioblastoma. Hemangioblastomas belong to the benign tumors of the central nervous system. They usually grow from the spinal cord or the posterior fossa of the skull. Angioblastomas can occur sporadically or in a familial cluster and then manifest as Von Hippel-Lindau disease. An angioblastoma typically grows together with a … Angioblastoma

Von-Hippel-Lindau Syndrome

Definition Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that causes tumor-like but benign vascular malformations in the central nervous system. The retina of the eye and the cerebellum are most commonly affected. Therefore, the disease is also called retinocerebellar angiomatosis. The disease is named after its first descriptors; the German ophthalmologist Eugen von Hippel … Von-Hippel-Lindau Syndrome