Pain medication in the last third of pregnancy | Painkillers during pregnancy

Pain medication in the last third of pregnancy

The last third of pregnancy covers the period from the 7th to the 9th month of pregnancy. During this period, some pain medication is not suitable as it can lead to complications for mother and child. Ibuprofen and Aspirin® should not be used in the last trimester of pregnancy.

They can lead to premature closure of an important vascular connection in the circulation of the unborn child and thus cause complications. Ibuprofen can also lead to a kidney dysfunction in the unborn child, which causes a fearful water deficiency (oligohydramnios). Novalgin® is also not recommended in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Paracetamol is an alternative if the intake of painkillers should be indispensable. However, even the intake of paracetamol has to be clarified with a doctor beforehand. In general, it is not advisable to take drugs lightly during pregnancy.