Childbirth: What Happens

Calculate delivery date Most women want to calculate the exact date of delivery as quickly as possible when they have a positive pregnancy test. Ovulation and the last menstrual period can help with this. But even without information about the menstrual cycle, doctors can calculate the expected date of birth. First fetal movements allow conclusions … Childbirth: What Happens

Recognizing labor pains

What do contractions feel like? Different types of contractions occur during pregnancy, each serving a specific purpose and manifesting themselves differently. A contraction is not always associated with pain. Some contractions are so weak that they can only be detected with a contraction recorder, known as a cardiotocograph (CTG). A slight pulling in the abdomen, … Recognizing labor pains

Pregnancy depression

Definition Pregnancy is an exhausting, exciting but also beautiful time for every woman. But unfortunately this does not apply to all women. Almost every tenth pregnant woman develops a pregnancy depression, where symptoms such as sadness, listlessness, feelings of guilt and listlessness are at the forefront. Such pregnancy depression is particularly common in the first … Pregnancy depression

How do you recognize pregnancy depression? | Pregnancy depression

How do you recognize pregnancy depression? Pregnancy depression is not always easy to detect at first glance. Often its symptoms (physical complaints such as back pain, tiredness and listlessness) are seen as a consequence of pregnancy, i.e. as “normal”. However, if sadness, hopelessness and listlessness occur over a period of several weeks, pregnancy depression should … How do you recognize pregnancy depression? | Pregnancy depression