Black Cohosh: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Black cohosh belongs to the buttercup family. It is considered helpful against menopausal symptoms. Occurrence and cultivation of black cohosh. The black cohosh owes its name to its inflorescence. This reminds of a candle. The black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) is known under various names. These include American Christopher’s wort, wild snakeroot, rattlesnake herb, bugweed, grape-shaped … Black Cohosh: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Visceral Surgery: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Visceral surgery deals with surgical procedures on the abdomen and the organs within it. It is also called abdominal or abdominal surgery. It takes its name from the Latin word “viscera” meaning “intestines.” What is visceral surgery? Visceral surgery is where a hospital sees patients who require surgery on their abdominal organs, such as the … Visceral Surgery: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Cesarean section

Synonyms Incisional binding, Sectio caesaera Birth mechanical indication: These are usually birth-impossible positions such as transverse position, disproportion between head and pelvis, a child that is clearly too large (macrosomia, > 4500g) or a head that is too large. A final pelvic position of the child can also be an indication for a Caesarean section. … Cesarean section

Anatomy | Pelvic floor training

Anatomy The pelvic floor consists of large muscles. It can be divided into a front and a rear part. The front part of the pelvic floor is also called the urogenital diaphragm. It is formed by the two muscles Musculus transversus perinei profundus and Musculus transversus perinei superficialis. In women, the vagina passes through the … Anatomy | Pelvic floor training

Pelvic floor training

Introduction It is mainly women who suffer from weakness of the pelvic floor. Due to overweight, several pregnancies and births, the pelvic floor is put under a lot of strain and its function can diminish over time. However, the pelvic floor is essential for maintaining urinary and fecal continence and for the correct anatomical position … Pelvic floor training

Positive effects of pelvic floor training | Pelvic floor training

Positive effects of pelvic floor training Regular training of the pelvic floor muscles not only improves symptoms such as urinary and fecal incontinence, but can also compensate for postural defects. A further benefit of pelvic floor training is the improvement of sexual dysfunctions. Men who suffer from impotence or premature ejaculation can often achieve a … Positive effects of pelvic floor training | Pelvic floor training