Eye drops for conjunctivitis | Eye drops

Eye drops for conjunctivitis In conjunctivitis, the affected eye is swollen, reddened and often sensitive to pressure. Conjunctivitis can have various causes. It can be allergic, for example to hay fever. Depending on the symptoms, moisturising eye drops can improve the symptoms. Here, for example, so-called artificial tears or euphrasia, also known as “eyebright“, can … Eye drops for conjunctivitis | Eye drops

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a bacterial species in the family Mycobacteriaceae. The species is considered human pathogenic and corresponds to the major tuberculosis pathogen. One in three people are estimated to be infected with tuberculosis. What is Mycobacterium tuberculosis? Mycobacteria are a bacterial genus with about 100 representatives and correspond to the only genus within the … Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Mycophenolate: Effects, Uses & Risks

Mycophenolate is an active substance which weakens the effect of the immune system. It is therefore mainly used to suppress rejection reactions in organ transplantation. However, many side effects must be expected with its use. What is mycophenolate? Mycophenolate is mainly used to suppress rejection reactions in organ transplants. Mycophenolate is an immunosuppressant that is … Mycophenolate: Effects, Uses & Risks

How can sebaceous gland hyperplasia be removed? | Sebaceous gland hyperplasia

How can sebaceous gland hyperplasia be removed? Hyperplasia of the sebaceous glands can be removed by a dermatologist. There are various options available. One possibility for the removal of sebaceous gland hyperplasia is the classical surgical therapy. The sebaceous gland hyperplasia is cut out and the edges of the skin are then sutured together. This … How can sebaceous gland hyperplasia be removed? | Sebaceous gland hyperplasia

Difference to basal cell carcinoma | Sebaceous gland hyperplasia

Difference to basal cell carcinoma Basal cell carcinoma is an important differential diagnosis to sebaceous gland hyperplasia. A basal cell carcinoma is a skin cancer that mainly affects older people and occurs after years of exposure to sunlight. Furthermore, genetic factors also play an important role in its development. Basal cell carcinoma can be very … Difference to basal cell carcinoma | Sebaceous gland hyperplasia

Diagnosis of sebaceous gland hyperplasia | Sebaceous gland hyperplasia

Diagnosis of sebaceous gland hyperplasia The diagnosis of sebaceous gland hyperplasia is made by the dermatologist. The first step is to inspect the skin. The physician looks closely at the changes in the skin. For a better diagnosis he can use a dermatoscope, which serves as a kind of magnifying glass to enlarge the skin … Diagnosis of sebaceous gland hyperplasia | Sebaceous gland hyperplasia