Duration and prognosis of bradycardia | Bradycardia

Duration and prognosis of bradycardia In cases of bradycardia caused by a defective sinus node or a pronounced conduction disorder, the implantation of a pacemaker can usually achieve good therapeutic success. The affected patients are usually free of complaints after the procedure. Bradycardias caused by medication can be eliminated by a change of medication. Depending … Duration and prognosis of bradycardia | Bradycardia

What is bradycardia-tachy syndrome? | Bradycardia

What is bradycardia-tachy syndrome? Tachycardia is characterized by a too fast heartbeat and is the opposite of bradycardia. As a rule, one speaks of tachycardia when the heart rate exceeds 100 beats per minute. In a bradycardia–tachycardia syndrome, there is a sudden change between slow and too fast heart rates. Often the fast heart rate … What is bradycardia-tachy syndrome? | Bradycardia


What’s bradycardia? Bradycardia refers to a heart rate that is below the expected normal range. In an adult, a frequency of 60 to 100 beats per minute is generally assumed. Bradycardia would therefore be present if the heart rate fell below this value. The age and also the training condition of a person must be … Bradycardia

Associated symptoms | Burning in the toes – what is behind it?

Associated symptoms A symptom often associated with burning toes is numbness that is felt on the same or adjacent toes. Also, sensations such as a slight tingling sensation, similar to the sensation when a fallen asleep foot “wakes up” again, are relatively common. In technical terminology such phenomena are called “paresthesias”. Another accompanying symptom is … Associated symptoms | Burning in the toes – what is behind it?

Leg asleep – how come?

Introduction A fallen asleep leg is a very common complaint with many possible causes. As a rule, fallen asleep legs occur when nerves are squeezed out by an unfavourable position of the legs. This is particularly common, for example, when sitting for long periods of time when travelling or when using the toilet. Numbness of … Leg asleep – how come?

Therapy | Leg asleep – how come?

Therapy The therapy of a leg that has fallen asleep depends on the underlying cause that is responsible for the symptoms. In most cases, moving the leg and the associated relief of the affected nerve is sufficient so that the leg “wakes up” and the symptoms disappear. However, if this measure does not lead to … Therapy | Leg asleep – how come?

Associated symptoms | Burning in the fingers

Associated symptoms Since the burning in the fingers is often due to nerve damage, other symptoms associated with nerve disorders are also typical. This leads to other sensations such as numbness, tingling or severe shooting pain. The motor nerve fibres, which are responsible for controlling the muscles, can also be affected. This leads to paralysis … Associated symptoms | Burning in the fingers

Causes of a stroke

Introduction A stroke is a life-threatening disease which, despite the best possible therapy, can still lead to serious consequential damage or even death in many cases. Therefore it is useful to better understand the causes and risk factors of the disease in order to reduce the probability of a stroke by early prevention. The different … Causes of a stroke