Computed Tomography: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Computed tomography, or CT for short, is another imaging technique, along with X-rays and magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound. It is created using X-rays, which are internationally known as X-rays (X-Ray). Because computed tomography produces individual cross-sectional images, they must be projected on top of each other by computer to produce results. History and function … Computed Tomography: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Homeopathy for anxiety

Traditionally, homeopathy is used for many illnesses, including various forms of anxiety. However, the following therapy instructions should not be used by the patient on his own initiative under any circumstances. It must always be preceded by an agreement with the treating physician! Homeopathy for various forms of anxiety You will find further information on … Homeopathy for anxiety

Procedure of an MRI ́s

General Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is also known as magnetic resonance imaging. It is an imaging examination procedure which, unlike X-rays and computed tomography (CT), is not based on X-rays and therefore has the advantage that the patient is not exposed to radiation. The images that are taken during an MRI are created by applying … Procedure of an MRI ́s

Preparation | Procedure of an MRI ́s

Preparation No special preparation, such as sobriety or laxation, is necessary before an MRI examination. In the run-up to the examination, an informative talk is held in which the doctor explains the course of the examination to the patient, inquires about his/her state of health, points out risks and gives the patient the opportunity to … Preparation | Procedure of an MRI ́s