Agoraphobia and claustrophobia

Introduction In the vernacular, claustrophobia is the fear of enclosed spaces. However, this definition is not complete. Also for the so-called agoraphobia is used as a synonym claustrophobia. Here the patient is afraid of situations in which he is defenselessly exposed to embarrassing symptoms or helpless circumstances. The psychiatric background for both anxiety disorders is … Agoraphobia and claustrophobia

Therapy | Agoraphobia and claustrophobia

Therapy The therapeutic measures depend on the form of claustrophobia and on the individual experience of anxious situations. The aim of a therapy should be to minimize the patient’s suffering and to get rid of the avoidance behaviour. Thereby, both a treatment without medication and a pharmacological (medicinal) therapy strategy can be used. The combination … Therapy | Agoraphobia and claustrophobia

Course and prognosis | Agoraphobia and claustrophobia

Course and prognosis In the absence of treatment, anxiety disorders, especially agoraphobia, have a poor prognosis. The untreated course is characterized by avoidance behavior and constant social withdrawal. The anxiety states become chronic and the patient suffers increasingly severe mental agony. However, if a suitable therapy is found as early as possible, the chances for … Course and prognosis | Agoraphobia and claustrophobia

Homeopathy for claustrophobia

Synonyms Agoraphobia (fear of places) Claustrophobia (fear of narrow spaces) Homeopathic medicines The following homeopathic medicines are used for claustrophobia: Sodium muriaticum (common salt) Aconitum (blue wolfsbane) Arnica (mountain lodging) Sodium muriaticum (common salt) Typical dosage of Natrium muriaticum (table salt) for claustrophobia: Tablets D6 Claustrophobia first appeared after the death of a loved one … Homeopathy for claustrophobia

That’s how long an MRI for a herniated disc takes | MRI for a slipped disc

That’s how long an MRI for a herniated disc takes In contrast to other imaging procedures such as CT, X-ray or even sonography (ultrasound), the MRI is an examination that takes a little longer. Most MRI examinations are done within twenty to thirty minutes. In the case of an MRI for a slipped disc, the … That’s how long an MRI for a herniated disc takes | MRI for a slipped disc

MRI or X-ray? | MRI for a slipped disc

MRI or X-ray? If the presence of a herniated disc is suspected, imaging procedures do not necessarily have to be used. Only in persons who suffer from pronounced symptoms, for example sensory disturbances such as numbness or tingling, a diagnosis should be confirmed by means of an imaging procedure. In this context, affected patients often … MRI or X-ray? | MRI for a slipped disc

Claustrophobia in MRI | MRI for a slipped disc

Claustrophobia in MRI Since the examination with the help of an MRI must be carried out in an almost completely closed tube, the procedure can be very stressful for people who suffer from claustrophobia (claustrophobia). However, claustrophobia is not an exclusion criterion for securing the diagnosis of “slipped disc” with the help of an MRI. … Claustrophobia in MRI | MRI for a slipped disc