Diseases of the shoulder

The shoulder is a complicated and sensitive joint and is essential for almost every movement. Inflammations and injuries can damage it and lead to pain and restricted movement. Below you will find the most important and most frequent diseases and injuries of the shoulder joint and the muscle and ligament apparatus involved, classified according to … Diseases of the shoulder

Shoulder diseases as a result of wear or incorrect loading | Diseases of the shoulder

Shoulder diseases as a result of wear or incorrect loading Shoulder arthrosis (omarthrosis) is one of the wear-related shoulder diseases. Shoulder arthrosis is characterized by cartilage consumption in the main shoulder joint. Known causes of shoulder arthrosis are mechanical overloading and damage to the rotator cuff. The symptoms are rather uncharacteristic and manifest themselves as … Shoulder diseases as a result of wear or incorrect loading | Diseases of the shoulder

Prognosis | Shoulder Stiffness

Prognosis The stiffness of the shoulder can spontaneously disappear. After an operation, several weeks of rehabilitation are necessary to slowly restore full mobility.Patients can also take part in sports again, but they should consult their doctor in advance about any sports (tennis, etc.) that put strain on the shoulder. All articles in this series: Shoulder … Prognosis | Shoulder Stiffness

Shoulder Stiffness

Synonyms Shoulder Fibrosis Adhesive subacromial syndrome Periarthropathia humeroscapularis adhaesivia (PHS) Stiff shoulder Definition Shoulder stiffness is one of the degenerative changes of the shoulder joint. The joint is restricted in its mobility due to inflammation and shrinkage of the joint capsule. Summary The “frozen shoulder” is a movement restriction of the shoulder joint due to … Shoulder Stiffness

Phases | Shoulder Stiffness

Phases Shoulder stiffness typically occurs in 3 phases: Untreated frozen shoulder has a duration of 18 – 24 months, but can take considerably longer in individual cases. Phase: Stiffening Phase: Stiffness Phase: Resolution Symptoms The symptoms are, as the name suggests, stiffness of the shoulder. The joint cannot be lifted beyond a certain point because … Phases | Shoulder Stiffness

Self exercises for the thoracic spine in case of impingement syndrome

You are in the sub-theme Physiotherapy of Impingement Syndrome. You will find the start page of this topic under Physiotherapy of impingement syndrome. You will find the medical-orthopedic part under our sub-topic Impingement Syndrome. Therapy of the thoracic spine Technique : Mobilization of the thoracic spine extension movement (straightening, posture training) The choice of exercises … Self exercises for the thoracic spine in case of impingement syndrome

Everyday problems with an impingement syndrome

Note You are in the sub-theme Physiotherapy of Impingement Syndrome. You will find the start page of this topic under Physiotherapy of impingement syndrome. You will find the medical-orthopedic part under our sub-topic Impingement Syndrome. Impingement Syndrome: Pain and evasive movement in everyday life Technique: Integration of the learned exercises in everyday activities The goal … Everyday problems with an impingement syndrome

Tendon affections with an impingement syndrome

You are in the sub-theme Physiotherapy of Impingement Syndrome. You will find the start page of this topic under Physiotherapy of impingement syndrome. You will find the medical-orthopedic part under our sub-topic Impingement Syndrome. Which tendons are involved in impingement syndrome? Inflammatory involvement: The tendon of the supraspinatus muscle (abduction muscles) Tendon of the Musculus … Tendon affections with an impingement syndrome

Therapy | Torn rotator cuff

Therapy Both conservative and surgical treatment measures can be pursued in the context of a rotator cuff rupture. As a rule, conservative therapy usually involves an incomplete rupture of the supraspinatus tendon. If a complete rupture is present, an individual decision is made. As a rule, patients older than 65 years and with tolerable pain … Therapy | Torn rotator cuff

Which tendon is most frequently affected? | Torn rotator cuff

Which tendon is most frequently affected? The rotator cuff consists of a total of 4 muscles: Musculus infraspinatus, musculus supraspinatus, musculus subscapularis and musculus teres minor.If the rotator cuff is torn, the tendon of the supraspinatus muscle is most frequently affected. The reason for this is the anatomical position of the tendon. The tendon runs … Which tendon is most frequently affected? | Torn rotator cuff

Torn rotator cuff

Synonyms Rotator cuff lesion, rotator cuff rupture, rupture of the supraspinatus tendon, rotator cuff rupture, periathropathia humeroscapularis pseudoparetica, rupture of the tendon, rupture of the tendon Definition The rotator cuff forms the roof of the shoulder joint and is composed of four muscles and their tendons, which extend from the shoulder blade to the tubercle … Torn rotator cuff