Long-term consequences | Artificial coma with pneumonia

Long-term consequences The long-term consequences of an artificial coma in the context of pneumonia are difficult to predict. Termination of the artificial coma can lead to various, mostly temporary symptoms for the affected persons. These include: Dizziness, memory gaps and perception disorders. It can also lead to the occurrence of delirium, colloquially known as “continuity … Long-term consequences | Artificial coma with pneumonia

Waking Coma (Apallic Syndrome)

In a waking coma or apallic syndrome, the affected person cannot eat, cannot drink, and has little to no communication. Still, they sleep and some respond to stimuli. However, many never fully awaken from their twilight sleep. Eyes open, facial expressions frozen in a mixture of astonishment and disinterest, unable to move or make any … Waking Coma (Apallic Syndrome)

Depersonalization: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In depersonalization, the patient experiences his or her own person or parts of the self as alien. The cause has been controversial to date. What is depersonalization? The term depersonalization originates from psychology and was coined by Krishaber and Dugas in the 19th century. Patients of this perceptual disorder suffer from alienated self-perception. Often depersonalization … Depersonalization: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Unconsciousness: Causes, Treatment & Help

Unconsciousness or fainting is a severe disturbance of a person’s consciousness in which he or she is no longer capable of communication and does not respond in any other way to his or her immediate environment. What is unconsciousness? In medicine, different degrees of severity are distinguished with regard to unconsciousness. These range from mild … Unconsciousness: Causes, Treatment & Help

This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Introduction Cirrhosis of the liver is a chronic and irreversible damage to liver tissue. It is a complex clinical picture that can be accompanied by various secondary diseases and life-threatening complications. Cirrhosis of the liver is typically caused by chronic diseases such as hepatitis, fatty liver or other changes in liver tissue. The disease can … This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Typical symptoms of the final stage | This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Typical symptoms of the final stage Cirrhosis of the liver is a complex disease that affects various organ systems in its course and can cause symptoms in all parts of the body. Typical abnormalities of liver cirrhosis include Fatigue, performance slump, susceptibility to infections, feeling ill Feeling of pressure and fullness in the upper abdomen, … Typical symptoms of the final stage | This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Liver Transplantation | This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Liver Transplantation Since liver cirrhosis is a permanent and life-threatening disease, liver transplantation is the only therapeutic option for cirrhosis and restoration of liver function. Liver transplantation is a rare and high-risk surgical procedure in which a complete or partial liver or part of a liver is transplanted from a deceased or living donor. Since … Liver Transplantation | This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Tracheotomy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

When hearing the word tracheotomy, many people have terrible images in mind: accident, emergency doctors fighting for the victim’s life and finally saving him by opening his trachea. This may sound dramatic, but according to medical definition it is not a tracheotomy, but a coniotomy. What is a tracheotomy? Schematic diagram showing the anatomy of … Tracheotomy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Foster-Kennedy Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Foster-Kennedy syndrome is characterized by a combination of increased intracranial pressure and compressed optic nerve. The condition often results from neoplasms, particularly in the frontal lobe of the brain. Therefore, causative treatment is primarily aimed at removing the tumor. What is Foster-Kennedy syndrome? Foster-Kennedy syndrome is a disease characterized by two features: increased intracranial pressure … Foster-Kennedy Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Decerebration Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Decerebration syndrome corresponds to a disruption of the brainstem and neocortex, which can vary in severity. In addition to disturbances in waking consciousness, sensory and motor disturbances present. Treatment depends on the primary cause and, in the case of inflammation, corresponds, for example, to anti-inflammatory drug administration followed by rehabilitation. What is decerebration syndrome? The … Decerebration Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment