PTSD: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria – as soldiers deploy to crisis zones, these people are confronted with the horrors of war. In the process, the term PTSD crops up again and again: soldiers who are mentally ill when they return; people on the ground who escape the war injured not only physically but also mentally. But other extremely stressful events can also leave their mark. Exceptionally bad events that stress the human psyche can produce two types of reactions at any age: A normal acute stress reaction and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that requires treatment. Previously, such reactions were grouped together under the term mental stress syndrome.

The acute stress reaction

The acute stress reaction is a natural response to a non-normal situation, a temporary phase in which the body and mind react to unusual, severe physical and psychological stress (trauma). These are, for example, events experienced by oneself or others, such as an accident, a rape or other violent crime, a natural disaster, or the loss of an important caregiver.

But an acute stress reaction can also occur after a serious physical disorder such as a heart attack. It is estimated that after a major disaster, about up to 90 percent of people experience an acute stress reaction.

What are the manifestations of an acute stress reaction?

The extent depends on the individual and current constitution, and the duration ranges from a few hours to several days. Usually, the symptoms gradually subside after about eight hours and subside completely within three days.

Initially, the affected person feels numb shortly after the event, has difficulty concentrating and orienting himself, has trouble sleeping, and gives the impression that he doesn’t care about anything or reacts inappropriately. He often refuses to acknowledge the situation and tries to withdraw. But outbursts of anger, aggression and overactivity also occur.

Such reactions may also be accompanied by physical symptoms, such as:

  • Sweating
  • Tremors
  • Palpitations
  • Circulatory problems
  • Paleness
  • Blush

In principle, the symptomatology resembles a generalized anxiety disorder. There are no clear criteria to predict whether a normal stress reaction will turn into a pathological stress disorder.