The Therapy | Calf Pain

The Therapy The therapy of calf pain depends on the cause and the accompanying symptoms. In the case of minor muscle injuries such as strains or contusions, the protection of the calf muscles is the first priority as therapy. In addition, symptoms can be alleviated by light pain medication, cooling, elevation and a low level … The Therapy | Calf Pain

Complications | Calf Pain

Complications A particularly serious complication of calf pain can arise if the cause is a venous vascular disease, such as congestion caused by deep vein thrombosis of the leg. When the thrombus detaches from its original site and is flushed with the blood flow to the heart, it can enter the lung through the right … Complications | Calf Pain

The symptoms | The phlebitis in the hollow of the knee

The symptoms In a phlebitis, the classic signs of inflammation such as swelling, redness, overheating, pain and a limited function in the affected area occur. During an inflammatory reaction, various messenger substances are released. These messenger substances lead to an expansion of the vessels. As a result, more fluid can escape from the vessels and … The symptoms | The phlebitis in the hollow of the knee

The duration | The phlebitis in the hollow of the knee

The duration Inflammation of the superficial veins is usually acute and usually heals after a few days. However, the inflammation can also spread to the deeper lying veins. Therefore, one should observe the disease well and consult a doctor if it worsens. The inflammation of the deep-lying veins is usually chronic. Complete recovery is difficult … The duration | The phlebitis in the hollow of the knee