Cataract treatment

When should cataract surgery be performed? Surgery is recommended when the lens becomes slightly cloudy at first and the vision (as determined by an eye test) deteriorates significantly. Surgery is then the only treatment option for cataracts and, if cataracts are the only eye disease present, it usually leads to good success. The operation under … Cataract treatment

Albinism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In albinism, a genetic effect causes a deficiency or complete absence of melanin. Among other things, melanin is responsible for the formation of pigments in the skin, eyes and also hair. Albinism, which does not only occur in humans, can become a very conspicuous disease to the outside world. Affected individuals are often referred to … Albinism: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Eye Drops: Effect, Uses & Risks

Eye drops are medicines that are used for application to the eye. Eye drops are also called oculoguttae in medicine. Eye ointments also provide an alternative option. What are eye drops? Eye drops, for example, are often administered to patients who tend to have dry and irritated eyes. Depending on the type of eye drops, … Eye Drops: Effect, Uses & Risks


Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Astigmatism Astigmatism, Pointlessness Definition Astigmatism (astigmatism) is a visual disorder caused by an increased (or more rarely a decreased) astigmatism. Incident light rays cannot be bundled in one point, and round objects, for example a sphere, are imaged and perceived as rod-shaped. In general, the astigmatism leads to a … Astigmatism

Contact lenses

Synonyms in a broader sense Adhesive lenses, adhesive shells, adhesive lenses, glasses engl. : contact lenses Definition Contact lenses are thin lenses made of plastic, which rest on a tear film or directly on the cornea of the eye. Most contact lenses are visual aids which, like glasses, can be used for long-sightedness or short-sightedness. … Contact lenses

Summary | Contact lenses

Summary Contact lenses are an alternative to glasses in the correction of long-sightedness or short-sightedness. A distinction is made between soft and rigid contact lenses based on the material, and daily lenses can be distinguished from monthly lenses and annual lenses based on the length of time they are worn. The advantages of contact lenses … Summary | Contact lenses

Dry Eyes: Causes, Treatment & Help

Dry eyes plague more and more people – they itch and burn. Dry eyes can sensitively reduce the quality of life if the condition persists permanently and is not treated sensibly. However, if you follow a few tips and tricks and inform yourself about the causes, you will not have to suffer from dry eyes … Dry Eyes: Causes, Treatment & Help