Outlook | Appetite suppressant

Outlook So far, there is no drug that is able to sufficiently combine good efficacy with very good tolerability. There is also the problem of the misuse of over-the-counter or herbal appetite suppressants, some of which can have dangerous consequences due to their not inconsiderable side effects. Numerous active substances are still being tested. All … Outlook | Appetite suppressant

I recognize calcification of the coronary arteries by these symptoms | Calcification of the coronary arteries

I recognize calcification of the coronary arteries by these symptoms Calcification of the coronary arteries is a longstanding remodeling process that does not develop acutely. If unhealthy nutrition and lifestyle cause LDL cholesterol to be built into the vessel walls, the person affected does not notice it at first. Only when this remodelling of the … I recognize calcification of the coronary arteries by these symptoms | Calcification of the coronary arteries

How contagious is this? | Calcification of the coronary arteries

How contagious is this? The pure calcification of the coronary arteries is not an infectious disease, but a lengthy process that is mainly influenced by one’s own diet and lifestyle. A slight calcification of the vessels occurs with age in everyone. Nevertheless, genetic predispositions also play a role in the reconstruction of the vessel walls. … How contagious is this? | Calcification of the coronary arteries

High blood pressure as a cause of coronary heart disease | Cause of coronary heart disease

High blood pressure as a cause of coronary heart disease High blood pressure is another major risk factor for the development of arteriosclerosis and thus for the development of coronary heart disease. One speaks of arterial hypertension (high blood pressure) starting from a chronic increased blood pressure of over 140/90 mmHg. The number of people … High blood pressure as a cause of coronary heart disease | Cause of coronary heart disease

Overweight as a cause of coronary heart disease | Cause of coronary heart disease

Overweight as a cause of coronary heart disease Overweight is also an important risk factor is the development of coronary heart disease. Overweight is also a risk factor for numerous other diseases such as diabetes mellitus or high blood pressure. Patients who already suffer from coronary heart disease should aim for a normal weight through … Overweight as a cause of coronary heart disease | Cause of coronary heart disease

Lack of exercise as a cause of coronary heart disease | Cause of coronary heart disease

Lack of exercise as a cause of coronary heart disease An unhealthy diet is not a direct risk factor for the development of coronary heart disease. However, a low-fiber, high-fat, high-calorie diet with a low intake of fruit and vegetables leads to numerous secondary diseases, which in turn can be a risk factor for the … Lack of exercise as a cause of coronary heart disease | Cause of coronary heart disease

Other reasons | Cause of coronary heart disease

Other reasons Other reasons for coronary insufficiency are a compression of the coronary arteries due to an enlarged left ventricle (left ventricular hypertrophy), a reduced diastolic blood pressure (second value when indicating the blood pressure; it represents the pressure ratios of the venous vascular system) in e.g. a patient with circulatory shock or a shortening … Other reasons | Cause of coronary heart disease

Classification | Cause of coronary heart disease

Classification There are 4 degrees of severity of coronary narrowing, corresponding to the reduction of the vessel cross-section: Grade I is present when the diameter is 35-49% smaller Grade II is a reduction of 50-74% (significant stenosis) Grade III means a narrowing of 75-99% (critical stenosis) and in Grade IV is a complete occlusion or … Classification | Cause of coronary heart disease

Causes of atrial fibrillation

Introduction Whether or not one falls ill with atrial fibrillation depends on various factors. The risk of the disease increases with age and it affects about 1% of adults worldwide. There are a number of risk factors that can promote the development of atrial fibrillation. Some chronic conditions, such as long-standing high blood pressure (arterial … Causes of atrial fibrillation

Is there also atrial fibrillation without a cause? | Causes of atrial fibrillation

Is there also atrial fibrillation without a cause? Atrial fibrillation can occur without an identifiable cause, this is called idiopathic or primary atrial fibrillation. Approximately 15 to 30% of people who suffer from atrial fibrillation have atrial fibrillation without any identifiable cause. The people affected are heart healthy and there is no detectable cardiac cause … Is there also atrial fibrillation without a cause? | Causes of atrial fibrillation