Iliac crest

Anatomy The ilium (os ilium) has several palpable bone points. One of these points is the iliac crest (syn. : iliac crest, or lat. : Crista iliaca) as the upper limit of the ilium. It ends in the anterior superior iliac spine at the front and in the posterior superior iliac spine at the back. … Iliac crest

Bone marrow puncture | Iliac crest

Bone marrow puncture A bone marrow puncture can be used for diagnostic (sample collection) as well as therapeutic (collection of stem cells for stem cell transplantation) purposes. A bone marrow puncture is indicated, for example, in cases of suspected anaemia, leukaemia or bone marrow metastases from cancer. The bone marrow collection is carried out after … Bone marrow puncture | Iliac crest